Acknowledgments摘要AbstractⅠ Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Significance and purpose of the research1.3 The organization of the thesisⅡ Literature Review2.1 Language transfer2.1.1 Review of the definition of language transfer2.1.2 The classification of language transfer2.1.3 Development of language transfer theory2.1.4 Language transfer studies in China2.2 Contrastive Analysis2.3 Error Analysis2.3.1 The emergence of Error Analysis2.3.2 Procedures of Error Analysis2.4 SummaryⅢ Research Design and Procedures3.1 Research questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instrument3.4 Methods3.5 The research procedures3.5.1 Data collection3.5.2 Error identification3.5.3 Error classification3.5.4 Error explanationⅣ Results and Analysis4.1 The proportion of transfer errors4.2 The proportion of transfer errors at different levels of language4.3 Detailed proportions of transfer errors at different subcategoriesⅤ A Descriptive Account of Transfer Errors5.1 Substance errors5.1.1 Capitalization errors5.1.2 Punctuation errors5.2 Lexical errors5.2.1 Substitutions and calques5.2.2 Redundancy errors5.2.3 Errors in word choice5.2.4 Errors in collocation5.3 Grammatical errors5.3.1 Morphology errors5.3.2 Syntax errors5.4 Discourse errors5.4.1 Pragmatic errors5.4.2 Errors in cohesion5.5 SummaryⅥ Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Implications6.3 Limitations and suggestions for future studiesAppendix Ⅰ C-E Translation Test PaperAppendix Ⅱ Reference TranslationBibliography
标签:负迁移论文; 汉译英论文; 对比分析论文; 错误分析论文;