Acknowledgements摘要AbstractTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose of the Study1.2 Organization of the StudyChapter 2 About The Centurion Principles2.1 Introduction to The Centurion Principles2.2 Authorship of The Centurion Principles2.3 Literary Genre of The Centurion Principles2.4 Translation of The Centurion PrinciplesChapter 3 Eugene Nida and His Functional Equivalence Theory3.1 A Profile of Nida and His Academic Activities3.1.1 Nida's Earlier Study3.1.2 His Involvement in the American Bible Society3.2 A Survey of Nida's Theory of Functional Equivalence3.2.1 A Brief Introduction to Translation Equivalence3.2.2 Development of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory3.2.2.1 Phase 1:Dynamic Equivalence and Formal Equivalence from 1959 to 19643.2.2.2 Phase 2:Dynamic Equivalence and Formal Correspondence from 1969 to 19843.2.2.3 Phase 3:Functional Equivalence and Formal Correspondence from 1984 to the Present Time3.2.3 Scientific Basis of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory3.2.4 Values of Nida's Functional Equivalence TheoryChapter 4 Application of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory to E-C Translationof The Centurion Principles4.1 Reconstructing Formal Structures4.2 Translating Idioms4.3 Making Implicit Information Explicit4.4 Translating Figurative Expressions4.4.1 Translating Metaphor4.4.2 Translating Parallelism4.4.3 Translating Multiple Figures of SpeechChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
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