AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Table of ContentsChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Importance of listening in language learning1.2 Purposes and significance of the listening comprehension study1.3 Organization of the thesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Definitions of listening2.2 Essence of listening comprehension2.3 Definitions of listening comprehension2.4 A cognitive perspective on listening comprehension2.4.1 Reasons for adopting cognitive theory2.4.2 Cognitive theories related to listening comprehension2.5 Theories of listening comprehension2.5.1 Bottom-up and top-down processing2.5.2 Anderson’s three-phase model2.6 Factors involved in the L2 listening comprehension difficulty2.6.1 L2 listening comprehension difficulties caused by spoken language2.6.2 L2 listening comprehension difficulties from listeners’ perspective2.7 A review of empirical studies on listening comprehension difficulties2.7.1 Foreign studies studies on listening comprehension difficulties2.7.2 Domestic studies on listening comprehension difficultiesChapter Ⅲ Methodology3.1 Objectives of the study3.2 Research design3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instrument3.2.3 Data collection and analysisChapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion4.1 Listening comprehension difficulty to students of different levels4.1.1 Senior high school students4.1.1.1 Listening comprehension difficulty in perception4.1.1.2 Listening comprehension difficulty in parsing4.1.1.3 Listening comprehension difficulty in utilization4.1.2 College Students4.1.2.1 Listening comprehension difficulty in perception4.1.2.2 Listening comprehension difficulty in parsing4.1.2.3 Listening comprehension difficulty in utilization4.1.3 Postgraduate Students4.1.3.1 Listening comprehension difficulty in perception4.1.3.2 Listening comprehension difficulty in parsing4.1.3.3 Listening comprehension difficulty in utilization4.1 4 A conclusion to difficulty in listening comprehension to students of different phases4.1.4 1 Listening comprehension difficulty to overall students in perception4.1.4 2 Listening comprehension difficulty to overall students in parsing4.1.4 3 Listening comprehension difficulty to overall students in utilization4.1.4 4 A conclusion to difficulty in listening comprehension to overall students4.2 Listening comprehension difficulty in the same phase4.2.1 Listening comprehension difficulty in perception4.2.2 Listening comprehension difficulty in parsing4.2.3 Listening comprehension difficulty in utilization4.2.4 A conclusion to listening comprehension difficulty in the same phase4.3 Gender difference4.3.1 Listening comprehension difficulty in perception4.3.2 Listening comprehension difficulty in parsing4.3.3 Listening comprehension difficulty in utilization4.3 4 A conclusion to difficulty in listening comprehension to gender differenceChapter Ⅴ Conclusion5.1 Main findings of the study5.2 Pedagogical implications5.2 1 Cultivating listeners’ awareness of “understanding” in listening comprehension5.2 2 Cultivating listeners’ awareness of “remembering” in listening comprehension5.2 3 Cultivating listeners’ awareness of comprehensive consideration of listening difficulties5.3 Limitations of the studyBibliographyAppendixPapers Published During MA Program
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