摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Definitions of terms1.3.1 Medium and instructional media1.3.2 Instructor and learner1.3.3 CAI, CAL and CALL1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature review2.1 Instructional media2.1.1 Traditional and modern instructional media2.1.2 Development of computer technology2.1.2.1 Mainframe computers-based CALL2.1.2.2 Microcomputers-based CALL2.1.2.3 Internet-based computers2.2 Means of instructional organization and corresponding instructor-learner relationship2.2.1 Master and apprentice under individual instruction2.2.2 Instructor-learner relationship under class instruction2.2.3 Instructor-learner relationship under computer-based education2.3 Theories related to CALL2.3.1 Psychology and linguistics2.3.2 Learning theories2.3.2.1 Behaviorist theory2.3.2.2 Cognitivist theory2.3.2.3 Constructivist theory2.3.3 Teaching methodologies2.3.4 Present theories in dominance2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Medium, Learner and Instructor under CALL3.1 A systematic viewpoint toward EFL system3.1.1 EFL system3.1.1.1 Structure and function of system3.1.1.2 Structure and function of EFL system3.1.2 Entirety theory3.1.3 How to optimize EFL system—a study using the Entirety theory3.1.3.1 Bring the functions of individual elements into full play3.1.3.2 Optimizing the system structure—the interrelation among its elements3.2 Medium, learner and instructor under CALL3.2.1 Computer- and classroom-based multimedia EFL model3.2.2 Computer's role3.2.2.1 Computer as tutor3.2.2.2 Computer as tool3.2.2.3 Computer as tutee3.2.3 Learner's role3.2.3.1 Learner as active meaning constructor3.2.3.2 Learner as peer coach3.2.4 Instructor's role3.2.4.1 Instructor as learner alongside their students3.2.4.2 Instructor as facilitator of the learning process3.2.4.3 Instructor as researcher3.2.5 Interrelation of the three3.2.5.1 The teacher and the learner accepting the computer as necessary3.2.5.2 The teacher and the learner recognizing each other's roles under CALL3.2.5.3 The teacher and the learner interacting with the computer3.2.5.4 Participants interacting through computers3.3 SummaryChapter 4 The present study4.1 A general description of the present study4.2 Research design4.2.1 Research questions4.2.2 Methodology4.2.3 Questionnaire design4.2.4 Subjects4.3 Data collection and analytical methods4.4 Data analysis4.4.1. Result and analysis from the questionnaire for teachers4.4.1.1 Preparation for CALL applications4.4.1.2 Teacher's awareness of the available CALL facilities on campus and their evaluation of them4.4.1.3 Reality of the teacher's CALL practice4.4.1.4 Teacher's attitudes toward computers and CALL4.4.1.5 Faculty training in CALL applications and theory4.4.2 Result and analysis from the questionnaire for learners4.4.2.1 Learner's computer experience4.4.2.2 Learner's general beliefs in English learning4.4.2.3 Learner's experience of CALL application in class4.4.2 4 Learner's experience of CALL application outside the classroom4.4.2.5 Learner's impression of their CALL experience4.5 Findings and discussions4.5.1 CALL implementation being taking place4.5.2 Gap between the reality and the ideal CALL application4.5.3 Possible causes of the gap4.5.3.1 From the perspective of CALL facilities4.5.3.2 From the perspective of the teacher4.5.3.3 From the perspective of the learnerChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Pedagogical implications5.1.1 From the perspective of the school administrative section5.1.2 From the perspective of the teacher5.1.3 From the perspective of the learner5.2 Limitations and suggestions5.2.1 Limitations of the study5.2.2 Suggestions for further researchBibliographyAppendix成果简介Acknowledgements
标签:计算机辅助外语教学论文; 教育媒体论文; 师生论文; 角色论文; 相互关系论文;