当今世界,随着科学技术的发展进步,我们需要从发达国家引进先进科学技术,作为它的两个主要分支,光学和电子学在当今社会起着重要的作用,因此了解他们的内容就十分必要,实现这一过程最重要的手段就是光学和电子学文献的翻译。适当的翻译技巧是必不可少的。目前很多英汉科技翻译教材和参考书中所介绍的翻译方法与技巧主要是谈句型转换,这种直接进行句型转换的方法对初学者可能有所裨益,但它不涉及内容实质,对译者的帮助是有限的,而且这种方法容易造成译文机械生硬,缺乏整体感。经过大量翻译实例证明,一些语言学理论可以有效地指导科技英语的翻译,并且能使译文更准确表达原文的意思。因此,本文旨在利用关联理论和特里姆波尔(Trimble)的语篇分层理论来指导科技英语的翻译,打破传统的翻译框架,得到更连贯顺畅的译文。 在关联理论指导下,寻求话语的关联性成为翻译理解的重要方式,是否传递了关联性也成了评判翻译的标准,对于光学和电子学文献的英译,笔者认为可以按照音位、词素、词、句子和语篇等翻译单位来进行,因此如果利用关联理论来指导光电文献中词的翻译,其优点是显而易见的;至于句子的翻译技巧,本文主要论述了逻辑分析方法;而特里姆波尔的语篇分层理论对于光电文献中比较大的翻译单位诸如语篇的翻译则更有帮助。本文通过大量例子介绍了在这两种理论指导下的光学及电子学文献的翻译技巧,提高了科技英语翻译质量,发展了翻译理论,促进了翻译实践。
Abstract中文摘要IntroductionChapter One Traditional Translation Theories and Their Development in China1.1 Traditional Translation Theories1.1.1 Theory of "Faithfulness, Fluency and Elegancy"1.1.2 Nida's Functional Equivalence1.1.3 Other Translation Theories1.1.3.1 Lu Xun's Preferance1.1.3.2 Fu Lei's Opinion1.1.3.3 Qian Zhongshu's "Sublimity" Newmark's Inclination1.2 The Development of Translation in China1.2.1 Translation of Buddhist Scripture1.2.2 Technological Translation1.2.3 Translation of Marxism and Advanced Literature of Russia1.2.4 Overall Development of TranslationChapter Two Characteristics of EST and New Translation Standards Based on Relevance Theory2.1 Characteristics of EST2.1.1 Characteristics on Lexical Level2.1.1.1 Abundant Technical Terms2.1.1.2 Word-class Transfer2.1.2 Characteristics on Morphology2.1.2.1 Abstract Nouns Used as Verbs2.1.2.2 Expanded Noun Pre-modifiers2.1.2.3 Noun-head Phrases Serving as a Verb2.1.3 Characteristics on Syntax2.1.3.1 Passive Voice2.1.3.2 Long Sentence2.1.3.3 Non-finite Verbal Phrases2.1.4 Characteristics on Rhetoric2.1.4.1 Limited Use of Tense2.1.4.2 Logical Grammatical Operators2.2 Relevance Theory and EST Translation2.2.1 Brief Survey of Relevance Theory2.2.2 EST Translation Based on Relevance Theory2.2.2.1 The Mechanism of Translation of EST2.2.2.2 New Standard for Translation of ESTChapter Three The Process of Translation of EST3.1 Interpreting the Original Text3.1.1 Reading through the Whole Text and Grasping the Main Idea3.1.2 Choosing the Exact Meaning of Words3.1.2.1 Looking Up Words in the Dictionary3.1.2.2 Choosing the Exact Meaning from Context3.1.2.3 Choosing the Precise Meaning with the Help of Professional Knowledge3.1.3 Analyzing Grammar and Explicating Relations3.2 Expressing the Target Text3.2.1 Paying Attention to the Standardness of Expression3.2.2 Paying Attention to the Logic of Expression3.3 Reexamining the Target TextChapter Four Techniques for the Translation of Optics and Electronics Documents4.1 The Translation Units and Context4.1.1 Brief Introduction on Translation Units4.1.1.1 Phoneme4.1.1.2 Morpheme4.1.1.3 Word4.1.1.4 Phrase4.1.1.5 Sentence4.1.1.6 Discourse or Text4.1.2 Context4.2 Translation Techniques for Optics and Electronics Documents on the Basis of Words4.2.1 Choice of Word Meaning According to Word Class4.2.2 Adaptation of Word Meaning in Context4.2.2.1 The Limitation of Word Meaning by Association4.2.2.2 Contextual Adaptation4.2.3 Choice of Word Meaning by Extension4.2.3.1 Extension of Word Meaning by Professionalizing4.2.3.2 Extension of Word Meaning by Concreting4.3 Translation Techniques for Optics and Electronics Documents on the Basis of Sentences4.4 Translation Techniques for Optics and Electronics Documents on the Basis of Discourse4.4.1 Brief Introduction on Trimble's Theory4.4.2 Translation Techniques for Optics and Electronics Documents on the Basis of DiscourseConclusionAcknowledgementsBibliography
标签:科技英语论文; 翻译技巧论文; 光学和电子学文献论文; 关联理论论文; 语篇分层理论论文;