

问:态度决定一切 英语作文
  1. 答:Attitude determines everything and it is the basis of ess. Because a clear attitude means your goal. That is to say you know what you want and where you should go. Second attitude shows that you are determined to do what you can to achieve your goal. Therefore, on the way to eed you can get over any difficulties. Finally ,Attitude can help you keep up your courage and remind you all the time not give up .With a wise attitude and strong determination ,anyone can eed in the end.
  2. 答:Attitude Is Everything
    Attitude is everything. We hear this all the time. But, what makes it true? If you have a positive attitude, then even when things go wrong, you can see the good in a bad situation. If you have a negative attitude, however, you will only see the overwhelming negative aspects of each situation, even a good situation. So, with a positive attitude, life can be more pleasant and really does effect everything. In a word, attitude is everything because it determines your reality.
  3. 答:Manners decide everything这个应该差不多
  1. 答:命运与心态 面对汪洋大海,一叶小舟,承载着千万的梦想,在漂泊,虽有得有失,但仍无悔的前进着,寻找着尽头。 ——题记 有一些人,总是在抱怨着自己的命运不好;有一些人,总是多愁善感;而有一些人,在别人的眼中,他们的命运不好,而自己却笑对生活……这就是命运与心态的关系。命运与心态,它们的强与弱,决定着一生:命运比心态强,你的一生将身不由己;心态比命运强,你的一生将没有乌云。 还记得2008年间连不断的灾难吗?先是大雪灾,再是奥运圣火传递骚扰,然后是3月14日的暴乱、“4.28”铁路重特大交通安全事故,最后还有“5.12”的大地震,这些灾难,足以让人崩溃,可我们并没有倒下,奥运会如期举行,并且办得很成功,还得了51枚金牌,21枚银牌,28枚铜牌,据金牌榜第一位,奖牌榜第二位的好成绩,这些可以看出我们乐观的心态战胜了如魔鬼的命运,重新站了起来! 记得曾看过这样一篇文章:一个年轻的乞丐走到一家人的门前,乞求施舍,女主人说:“你把这些砖搬到我的后院去。”乞丐虽不明白,但又搬了过去,女主人给了他20元,说:“这是你的工钱。”乞丐拿着钱,高兴中又带着羞愧的走了。后来又有几个乞丐来过,女主人也是这样,她的孩子问她:“这些砖到底要放在哪?”女主人说:“放哪都一样,只不过他们肯定知道我这么做是为什么。”孩子好像懂得了什么。多年后,一位富人来到了这儿,敲了敲门,女主人开了门,富人落下了眼泪,他当年就是一个乞丐。 也许,乞丐的命运不好,但他的心态改变了他的一生。 记得残奥会,那么多的残疾人,他们的命运不好,但他们的能力一点都不比常人差,他们的心态是多么的乐观! 心态决定命运! 命运,有可能使你一时迷茫,但你的心态变了,命运就会随之扭转。你的命运,掌握在你的心态中,命运如何,就看你如何掌握心态喽。
  1. 答:良好的心态和保持我的信心,迎接即将到来的RG。
    Good shape and keep my confidence for the RG.
    Especially, I have a good mentality to hard work under the greater pressure
    Nervous or sentimental, would reduce the body's immune system, so to maintain a good attitude.
