Abstract中文摘要AcknowledgementsContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 A General Description of the Present Study1.2 Significance of the Present Study1.3 Overall Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Definition of Listening and Listening Comprehension2.1.1 The Definition of Listening2.1.2 The Definition of Listening Comprehension2.2 Process of Listening Comprehension2.2.1 Top-down Processing in Listening Comprehension2.2.2 Bottom-up Processing in Listening Comprehension2.2.3 Interaction of Top-down Processing and Bottom-up in Listening Comprehension2.3 Development of Language Testing Approaches2.3.1 Listening Comprehension Testing in Western Countries2.3.2 Listening Comprehension Testing in China2.4 Fundamentals of Testing2.4.1 Reliability,Validity and Practicality2.4.2 Testing Criteria2.4.3 The Choice of Listening Materials2.5 Classical Item Analysis2.6 Comparative Studies on Objective Item Types2.6.1 Merits and Demerits of Multiple Choice Questions2.6.2 Merits and Demerits of Other Type Items QuestionsChapter 3 Analysis of Listening Comprehension Part in NMET 2005-20073.1 Characteristics of NMET'S Listening in Tianjin3.1.1 An Overview of the Listening of NMET in Tianjin3.1.1.1 Duration and Format3.1.1.2 Task Types3.1.2 Testing Criteria3.1.3 Basic Criteria3.2 Item Types3.2.1 Comparison with Student's Book 33.2.2 Comparison with Other Provinces3.3 Analysis of Listening Items in Tianjin Paper3.3.1 Authentic Materials3.3.2 Extensive Topics3.3.3 Vocabulary3.3.4 Characteristics of Test Questions3.4 Analysis of Listening Part in the NMET Test Paper 20063.4.1 Specifications for National Matriculation English Test in Tianjin 20063.4.2 Item Difficulty, Discrimination and ReliabilityChapter 4 Conclusion4.1 Research Findings4.2 Research Implications4.2.1 Assessment4.2.2 Implications in Listening Teaching4.3 Research Limitation4.4 Recommendation for Further StudiesReferencesAppendix Ⅰ 2005 National Matriculation English Test (Tianjin paper)Appendix Ⅱ 2006 National Matriculation English Test (Tianj in paper)Appendix Ⅲ 2007 National Matriculation English Test (Tianjin paper)Appendix Ⅳ Unit 6 Going West selected from Senior English for China Student's book 3Appendix Ⅴ Unit 10 American Literature selected from Senior English for China Student's book 3Appendix Ⅵ 2008 Analog National Matriculation English Test(9) selected from English Weekly
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