Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 A Brief Introduction to Memetics0.2 Rationale and Objective of the Present Study0.3 Research Questions0.4 Research Methodology and Data Collection0.5 Outline of the ThesisChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Previous Research on Advertising and Advertising Slogan1.1.1 A Brief Retrospect of Advertising1.1.1.1 The Definition of Advertising1.1.1.2 The Structure of Advertising1.1.1.3 The Functions of Advertising1.1.2 A Basic Overview of Advertising Slogan1.1.2.1 The Definition and Features of Advertising Slogan1.1.2.2 Classification of Advertising Slogan1.1.3 Research on Advertising Translation1.1.3.1 Traditional Chinese Theories for Translation1.1.3.2 Equivalence-based Linguistic Theory1.1.3.3 Functionalist Theory1.2 Previous Research on Memetics1.2.1 Research on Memetics Abroad1.2.2 Research on Memetics in China1.2.3 Memetic Study in Advertising1.2.4 Memetic Study in TranslationChapter 2 Theoretical Framework2.1 Relative Concepts about Memes2.1.1 Meme and Memeplex2.1.2 Genotype and Phenotype2.1.3 Strong Meme and Weak Meme2.1.4 Host and Vector2.2 The Lifecycle of Memes2.3 Meme and Language2.3.1 Language as the Principle Means to Spread Memes2.3.2 Memes Influencing Language2.4 Memetic Selection2.5 Adaption TheoryChapter 3 Advertising Slogan Translation:A Process of Strong Advertising Slogan Memes Creation3.1 Strong Advertising Slogan Meme Creation in Translation3.1.1 Adapting to Cognitive Factors3.1.1.1 Constraints of Working Memory3.1.1.2 Adapting to the Constraints of Working Memory3.1.1.3 Adapting to the Target Language's Linguistic Features3.1.2 Adapting to Cultural Factors3.1.2.1 Core Value:Group Orientation vs. Individual Orientation3.1.2.2 Consuming Tendency:Group Tendency vs.Individual Needs3.1.2.3 Authority:Governmental Authority vs.Scientific Evidence3.1.2.4 Mode of Thinking3.2 Strategies to Make Strong Advertising Slogan Memes in the Process of Translation3.2.1 Application of Phenotype of Memes3.2.1.1 The associative meme transmission3.2.1.2 Partially changed meme transmission3.2.2 Application of Genotype of MemesConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:模因论论文; 广告口号翻译论文; 顺应论文; 模因论文;