摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 The aims and significance of this thesis1.3 The organization of this thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Metaphor studies abroad2.1.1 The traditional approaches2.1.2 The contemporary approaches2.2 Metaphor studies in ChinaChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Data collection3.2 The research methodChapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 The classification of the data collected4.1.1 General classification based upon Lakoff and Johnson's theory4.1.2 General classification of structural metaphors4.2 War Metaphors4.2.1 The data collected in war metaphors4.2.2 The analysis of the data collected in war metaphors4.3 Natural phenomenon metaphors4.3.1 The data collected in natural phenomenon metaphors4.3.2 The analysis of the data collected in natural phenomenon metaphors4.4 Journey metaphors4.4.1 The data collected in journey metaphors4.4.2 The analysis of the data collected in journey metaphors4.5 Art metaphors4.5.1 Music metaphors4.5.2 Drama metaphors4.5.3 Architecture metaphors4.6 Politics metaphors4.6.1 The data collected in politics metaphors4.6.2 The analysis of the data collected in politics metaphors4.7 Game metaphors4.8 Disease metaphors4.9 Disaster metaphors4.10 Religion metaphors4.11 The miscellaneous structural metaphors4.12 Orientational metaphors4.13 Ontological metaphors4.14 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major findings5.2 The significance of this thesis5.3 Limitations of this thesis5.4 Implications of this thesisReferencesAcknowledgementsResume
标签:概念隐喻理论论文; 体育报道论文; 源域论文; 目标域论文;