English AbstractChinese AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Current Problems1.2 Significance of the Research1.2.1 Efficiency of English learning1.2.2 Effects of strategy instruction on L2 achievement1.2.3 A new perception on the teacher’s role1.3 Rationale of the Present Research1.3.1 Effects of strategy instruction on listening learning1.3.2 Effects of strategy instruction on listening in autonomous learning environment1.3.3 Relation of strategy instruction and listening task1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Learning Strategies2.1.1 The definitions of learning strategy2.1.2 The classifications of learning strategies2.1.3 Previous studies of learning strategy2.1.4 Learning strategy in listening comprehension2.1.4.1 Features of listening comprehension2.1.4.2 Listening strategy2.1.5 Previous studies of listening comprehension strategy2.1.5.1 Studies of listening comprehension strategies in forein countries2.1.5.2 Studies of listening comprehension strategies in China2.2 Strategy Instruction2.2.1 The definitions of strategy instruction2.2.2 Goals of strategy instruction2.2.3 Models and steps of strategy instruction2.2.4 Previous studies of strategy instruction2.2.5 Previous studies of listening strategy instruction2.2.5.1 Previous studies of listening strategies instruction in foreign countries2.2.5.2 Previous studies of listening strategies instruction in China2.2.6 Strategy instruction in autonomous learning2.3 The Limitations of Previous ResearchChapter Three Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Listening Strategy Instruction3.3.1 Contents of strategy instruction3.3.2 Reasons for choosing these strategies in instruction3.4 Instruments3.4.1 Quantitative research and qualitative research3.4.2 Listening tests3.4.3 Questionnaires3.4.4 Learning reports3.4.5 Interviews3.5 Procedures of Data Collection3.5.1 Pre-test of compound dictation3.5.2 Pre-Questionnaires about students’belief and use of learning strategy3.5.3 Strategy Instruction3.5.4 Post-test of compound dictation3.5.5 Post-questionnaire about variations of students’strategy use3.5.6 Learning reports written by students3.5.7 Interviews to the selected studentsChapter Four Data Analysis4.1 Questionnaires before Strategy Instruction4.1.1 Models of students’belief and use of learning strategy4.1.2 Comparison between experimental group and control group4.2 Results of Pre-test4.3 Results of Post-test4.3.1 Comparison of the results of post test4.3.2 Comparison between pre-test and post-test of experimental and control groups4.4 Questionnaires after Strategy Instruction4.4.1 Use of “on-line”strategies4.4.2 Use of “macro-strategies”4.4.3 Feedbacks about instruction effects4.5 Comparison between Students with Different Listening Proficiency4.6 Analysis of Students’Learning Reports4.7 Results of InterviewsChapter Five Discussion and Conclusion5.1 Discussion5.1.1 Effects of learning strategy instruction on improving students' listening performance in compound dictation5.1.2 Effects of learning strategy instruction on enhancing students' use of strategies in listening activities5.1.3 Effects of learning strategy instruction on students with different listening proficiencies5.2 ConclusionChapter Six Implication, Limitation and Further Research6.1 Pedagogical Implications6.1.1 Implications for listening instruction6.1.2 Implications for teacher training6.1.3 Implications for autonomous learning6.2 Limitations and Further ResearchReferencesAppendicesAppendix I The Examination Paper of Pre-testAppendix II The Examination Paper of Post-testAppendix III Pre-questionnaire for Belief of Learning Strategy UseAppendix IV Pre-questionnaire for Strategy UseAppendix V Post-questionnaireAppendix VI Outline of Learning ReportAppendix VII Outline of InterviewAppendix VIII Pre-test ScoreAppendix IX Post-test ScoreAppendix X Descriptive Statistics of the Pre-questionnaire for BeliefAppendix XI Descriptive Statistics of Pre-questionnaire for Strategy UseAppendix XII Descriptive Statistics of Post-questionnairePublications
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标签:学习策略论文; 策略指导论文; 听力理解论文; 复合式听写论文; 自主学习环境论文;
听力学习策略指导对听力理解的效用 ——一项基于复合式听写的研究