摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview of the background1.2 Significance of the research1.3 Overall structure of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Key concepts in teacher education2.1.1 Teaching2.1.2 Teacher education2.1.3 Introduction to the three dimensions of teacher quality2.1.3.1 Teacher knowledge2.1.3.2 Teaching skills2.1.3.3 Personality power2.1.3.4 The interaction between teacher knowledge, teaching skills and personality power2.2 Researches on FL teacher education2.2.1 FL teacher education abroad2.2.2 FL teacher education in China2.3 Models in teacher education2.3.1 The craft model2.3.2 The applied science model2.3.3 The reflective modelChapter 3 Design and Methodology3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.3 Data collection and analysisChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Results analysis of the questionnaires4.1.1 Current constitution of GE teacher team4.1.2 Research on GE teacher knowledge4.1.2.1 Teachers’opinions on teacher knowledge4.1.2.2 Students’opinions on teacher knowledge4.1.2.3 Comparison between teachers’and students’responses4.1.3 Research on GE teachers’teaching skills4.1.3.1 General trend of teachers’and students’responses to teaching skills4.1.3.2 Discrepancies among teachers’and students’responses4.1.3.3 The consistency among teachers’and students’responses4.1.4 Research on GE teachers’personality4.2 Analysis of the case study4.2.1 Key performances of teacher A4.2.2 Key performances of teacher B4.2.3 Key performances of teacher C4.2.4 Comparison and contrast of the teachers observedChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major findings5.2 Limitations and suggestions5.3 Implications5.3.1 Implications to teaching administration5.3.2 Implications to teachers5.3.3 Implications to studentsReferencesAppendix 1Appendix 2个人简介导师简介获得成果目录清单Acknowledgement
标签:教师知识论文; 教学技能论文; 人格特征论文; 教师教育论文; 教师素质论文;