AcknowledgmentsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter I Overview of Think Tanks1.1 The Emerging and Development of Think Tanks1.2 Classification of Think Tanks1.3 The Functions of Think TanksChapter II General Introduction of the American Think Tanks2.1 Classification of American Think Tanks2.2 Functions of American Think Tanks2.2.1 Researching New Thoughts and Offering New Concepts2.2.2 Reserving Diplomatic Personnel-“Revolving Door”2.2.3 Providing Policy Planning2.2.4 Guiding Social Thoughts2.3 Operation Mechanism of American Think Tanks2.3.1 Management Mechanism2.3.2 The Financing Mechanism2.3.3 Products Publication Mechanism2.3.4 Talent Exchange Mechanism2.4 Case Study-RAND Corporation2.4.1 Origin2.4.2 Achievements2.4.3 Operation2.4.4 Independency2.4.5.Research and Examination Mechanism2.4.6 Cradle of Senior TalentsChapter III Status Quo of Chinese Think Tanks3.1 History of the Chinese Think Tanks3.1.1 The Creation Period3.1.2 The Stagnation Period3.1.3 The Period of Overall Recovery3.1.4 The Period for Initial Prosperity3.2 Types of Chinese Think Tanks3.3 Status Quo of Chinese Contemporary Think Tanks3.3.1 Contributions and Achievements of Official Think Tanks3.3.2 Supplementary Role of Non-governmental Think Tanks3.3.3 Emerging Think Tanks Affiliated to Universities3.4 Features of Chinese Think Tanks3.5 Case Study-Unirule Institute of Economics3.5.1 Background of its Establishment3.5.2 Operation and Organization Structure of Unirule3.5.3 Activities to Exert Influence3.5.4 Evaluation of its Influence and StrategiesChapter IV Enlightenment of American Think Tanks to Development of Chinese Think Tanks4.1 Existing Problems in Current Chinese Think Tanks4.1.1 System Defects4.1.2 Single Structure & Unbalanced Development4.1.3 Irrational Organizational Layout and Unclear Research Objective4.1.4 Lack in Government Support and Funds4.1.5 Irrational Personnel Structure4.2 Solutions to Existing Problems4.2.1 Exploring Target Positioning & Speed uping System Reform4.2.2 Strengthening Overall Design and Coordination4.2.3 Improving Financing Mechanism4.2.4 Improving Quality of Talents and Irrational Subjects Structure4.2.5 Adjusting personnel makeupConclusionBibliography外交学院硕士研究生学位论文答辩委员会组成人员名单
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标签:思想库论文; 政策咨询论文; 决策论文;