Abstract摘要AcknowledgementsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background and Significance of Study With the coming of economic and cultural globalization, tourism is playing1.2 Sample Collecting and Processing1.3 Research methodology 1.4 Preview of each chapter1.5 SummaryChapter 2 Functional Theory and Its Applications2.1 Formation and Development of Functional Theory2.2 Literature Review2.2.1 Functionalist Theory in Western Countries 2.2.2 Functionalist Theory in China2.2.3 Criticism on Functionalist Theory2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Text-Classification Analysis of Tourist Information—A Functional Perspective3.1 Definitions of Tourism, Tourist Information and Tourist Information Translation3.2 Text Functions of Tourist Information3.2.1 Referential plus Appellative Functions3.2.2 Features of Tourist Text in Style and Language3.3 Translation Errors3.3.1 Pragmatic Translation Errors3.3.2 Cultural Translation Errors3.3.3 Linguistic Translation Errors3.3.4 Text-Specific Translation Errors3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Analysis of C-E Translations of Tourist Information4.1 An Overview of Translation of Tourist Information4.2 Translating Process4.3 Problems and Errors on Linguistic Level4.4 Problems and Errors Concerning Cultural Differences4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of Findings and Suggestions for Improvement of Translation5.2 Limits of Thesis and Suggestion for Further StudiesBibliographyAppendix
标签:功能翻译理论论文; 旅游资料论文; 翻译错误与问题论文;