摘要Abstract in EnglishChapter One Introduction1.1 Significance of Children’s Literature1.2 Current Situation of Children’s Literature and Its Translation1.3 Literature Review1.4 Significance of the ResearchChapter Two Study on Children’s Literature2.1 Definitions of Children’s Literature2.2 Classification of Children’s Literature2.3 Functions of Children’s Literature2.3.1 Educational Function2.3.2 Aesthetic Function2.3.3 Entertainment FunctionChapter Three English-Chinese Translation of Children’s Literature in China3.1 Significance of Children’s Literature Translation3.2 History of English-Chinese Translation of Children’s Literature3.2.1 Period of Late Qing Dynasty3.2.2 Period of May Fourth Movement3.2.3 Period from 1927 to 19653.2.4 Period from 1966 to 19763.2.5 Period from 1977 till NowChapter Four Theoretical Framework of Stylistic Theories4.1 Definition of Style and Stylistics4.1.1 Definition of Style4.1.2 Definition of Stylistics4.2 Levels of Stylistic Analysis from Linguistic Perspective4.2.1 Phonological Level4.2.2 Lexical Level4.2.3 Syntactical Level4.2.4 Graphological Level4.3 Stylistic Characteristics of English-Chinese Translation of Children’s4.3.1 Linguistic Characteristics4.3.2 Aesthetic Characteristics4.4 ConclusionChapter Five Stylistic Analysis of Translated Children’s Literature in Different Historical Periods5.1 Translation of Gulliver’s Travels in the Late Qing Dynasty5.1.1 Background Information5.1.2 Analysis at Phonological Level5.1.3 Analysis at Lexical Level5.1.4 Analysis at Syntactical Level5.1.5 Analysis at Graphological Level5.2 Translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in May Fourth Movement Period5.2.1 Background Information5.2.2 Analysis at Phonological Level5.2.3 Analysis at Lexical Level5.2.4 Analysis at Syntactical Level5.2.5 Analysis at Graphological Level5.3 Translation of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in the Period from 1927 to 19655.3.1 Background Information5.3.2 Analysis at Phonological Level5.3.3 Analysis at Lexical Level5.3.4 Analysis at Syntactical Level5.3.5 Analysis at Graphological Level5.4 Translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in the Period from 1977 Till Now5.4.1 Background Information5.4.2 Analysis at Phonological Level5.4.3 Analysis at Lexical Level5.4.4 Analysis at Syntactical Level5.4.5 Analysis at Graphological LevelChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitations and SuggestionReferencesAcknowledgements个人简历发表的学术论文
标签:儿童文学论文; 儿童文学汉译论文; 文体分析论文; 文体演变论文;