Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationsList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Studies on Teachers' Achievement Attributions2.2.1 Theoretical Studies on Teachers' Achievement Attributions in Mainstream Education2.2.2 Empirical Studies on Teachers' Achievement Attributions in Mainstream Education2.2.3 Studies on Achievement Attributions in SL/FL Teaching2.3 Studies on Teachers' Teaching Beliefs2.3.1 Theoretical Explorations on Teaching Beliefs2.3.2 Empirical Studies on Teaching Beliefs in SL/FL Teaching2.4 Studies on the Relationship between Teaching Beliefs and Attributions2.4.1 Theoretic Explorations2.4.2 Empirical Investigations2.5 Research Gap and Questions2.6 Chapter SummaryChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Participants3.3 Instrument3.4 Data Collection3.5 Data Analysis3.6 Chapter SummaryChapter 4 Results and Findings4.1 Introduction4.2 General Achievement Attributions4.2.1 Success Attributions4.2.2 Failure Attributions4.3 Gender,Teaching Year,Education Background and Attributions4.3.1 Success Attributions and Influential Factors4.3.2 Failure Attributions and Influential Factors4.4 Achievement Attributions and Teaching Beliefs4.4.1 Success Attributions and Teaching Beliefs4.4.2 Failure Attributions and Teaching Beliefs4.5 Chapter SummaryChapter 5 Discussion5.1 Introduction5.2 Teachers' General Attributional Situations5.2.1 Different Weights of Attributional Causes5.2.2 Difference between Success and Failure Attributional Patterns5.3 The Factors Influencing Attributions5.3.1 Teaching Year5.3.2 Gender5.3.3 Educational Background5.4 The Predictions of Teaching Beliefs for Attributions5.4.1 The Prediction for the Attributions of "Teacher's Teaching ability"5.4.2 The Prediction for the Attributions of "Teacher's Teaching Effort"5.4.3 The Prediction for the Attributions of "Luck"5.4.4 The Prediction for the Attributions of "Teaching Material Difficulty"5.4.5 The Prediction for the Attributions of "Students' Effort"5.5 Chapter SummaryChapter 6 Pedagogical Implications6.1 Introduction6.2 Implications for Teachers6.2.1 Making Attributions for Teaching Outcomes6.2.2 Strengthening Communication with Colleagues and Students6.2.3 Reflecting upon Teaching Beliefs6.3 Implications for Schools6.3.1 Attending to the Female Teachers' Mental and Physical Health6.3.2 Providing Teachers with Platforms for Communication6.3.3 Helping Teachers Study Teaching Materials6.4 Chapter SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion,Limitations and Suggestions7.1 Summary of the Study7.2 Limitations and SuggestionsReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAcknowledgements学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
标签:英语教师论文; 教学成就归因论文; 影响因素论文; 教学信念论文;