AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Introduction1. Research Background and Issues2. Methodology and Data Collection3. Thesis StructureChapter One General Introduction of Subtitle Translation1.1 Subtitling and Dubbing1.2 Some Aspects of Subtitle Translation1.2.1 Definition of Subtitle Translation1.2.2 Features of Subtitle Translation1.3 Studies on Strategies for Subtitle Translation.1.3.1 Henrik Gottlieb1.3.2 Anne Jackel1.3.3 Basil Hatim and Ian Mason1.3.4 Li, YunxingChapter Two Functional Translation Theory2.1 Historical Development and Studies on Functional Translation Theory2.1.1 The Emergence of Functional Translation Theory2.1.2 Katharina Reiss2.1.3 Hans J. Vermeer2.1.4 Justa Holz-Manttari2.2 The Definition and Nature of Translation from a Functionalist Perspective2.3 The Principles of Functional Translation TheoryChapter Three Subtitle Translation from the Functionalist Perspective3.1 Subtitle Translation as a Purposeful Activity3.1.1 Literature Review3.1.2 Skopos Rule3.2 Subtitle Translation as an Interpersonal Interaction3.2.1 Roles In the Process of Translating3.2.2 Application in the Subtitle Translation3.3 Subtitle Translating as a Text-Processing ActionChapter Four Case Study of Sitcom Friends Subtitle Translation4.1 On Friends and Its Subtitling Features4.2 Analysis of Strategies Used in Friends Subtitling4.3 Case Study of Friends Subtitling4.3.1 Translating Colloquialism4.3.2. Translating Figurative Devices4.3.3 Translating Culture-loaded ExpressionsConclusion1. Concluding Remarks2. Limitations of the Present Study3. Suggestions for Future StudiesBibliography
标签:字幕翻译论文; 功能翻译理论论文; 目的原则论文; 异化论文;