Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction to the Thesis1.2 General Introduction to Advertising and Advertising Language1.2.1 Definition of Advertising and Advertising Language1.2.2 Classification of Advertising1.2.3 Function of Advertising1.2.4 Aim of Advertising1.2.5 Nature of AdvertisingChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Review of the Literature of Previous Approaches to the Analysis of Advertising Language2.1.1 Stylistic Approach2.1.2 Semiotic Approach2.1.3 Discoursal Approach2.1.4 Sociolinguistic Approach2.1.5 Pragmatic Approaches2.2 SummaryChapter 3 Comparative Study on Relevance Theory and Conversational Implicature3.1. Different Interpretation of Implicature and Explicature3.1.1 Grice's Account of Implicature3.1.2 Relevance Theoretic Account on Explicamre/Implicature3.2 Role of Context in the Two Theories3.3 Different Interpretation on IronyChapter 4 The Application of the Two Theories in Advertising Language4.1 Relevance Strategy in Advertising Language Analysis4.1.1 Advertising as Communication4.1.2 Two Layers of Intention4.1.3 Trust and Cooperation in Advertising Communication4.1.4 The Importance of Attracting Attention4.1.5 Relevance Theory and Intercultural Advertising4.2 Conversational Implicature in Advertising4.2.1 Conventional Implicature in Advertising4.2.2 Conversational Implicature in AdvertisingChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 General Findings of the Thesis5.2 Limitations of the Study5.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchesReferencesAcknowledgements
标签:广告语言论文; 关联理论论文; 会话含义论文; 注意力吸引策略论文;