本论文旨在探索读者在阅读中附带性地习得词汇时对生词进行语义加工的过程及其认知机制。本文主要提出了三个研究问题:1)当读者阅读时碰到生词时他们是否会对该词进行语义加工?2)如果是,那么他们在语义加工时运用了哪些策略?3)学习者如何将加工的语义信息融入他们的心理词库?22个英语学习者参加了本研究。在试验前他们首先填写了关于调查主题熟悉程度的问卷及目标词的前测。他们按照要求阅读两篇文章并完成相关的阅读理解测试。然后研究者对他们进行了目标词的后测并要求他们立即进行回溯性出声思维(retrospective think-aloud)。一个月后,他们将再次完成同样的目标词后测。本论文运用定性及定量的方法对结果进行分析,得到以下结论:1)读者会对阅读过程中遇到的生词进行语义加工。2)他们主要借助5种策略对生词进行语义加工。3)他们的背景知识能够帮助他们将语义信息融合到他们的心理词库中。4)在阅读附带性词汇习得中,受试者更容易关注那些看起来比较熟悉的词,并将在阅读过程中推断,确定该词的意思。5)受试的阅读习惯将会影响阅读附带性词汇习得。最后,本文对实验结果进行了讨论,提出了本研究在理论及教学上的意义和局限,并对这个领域将来的研究提出了一些建议。
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACT摘要CONTENTSLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSLIST OF TABLESCHAPTER ONE Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Orientation and Significance1.3 Research Questions:1.4 Layout of the ThesisCHAPTER TWO Review of Related Literature2.1 Overview2.2 Studies on Vocabulary Acquisition2.2.1 Studies on Incidental L2 Vocabulary Acquisition Through Reading2.2.2 Studies on the Cognitive Process of L2 Vocabulary Acquisition2.2.3 Studies on Bilingual Mental Lexicon2.3 Memory and Information Processing System2.3.1 Memory and Cognitive Process2.3.2 The Information Processing System2.3.3 Mental Lexicon and Vocabulary Acquisition2.4 Conceptualization2.5 Lexical Inferencing Strategies2.6 A Model of Adult L2 Vocabulary Acquisition2.7 Hypothesis of the Cognitive Process of L2 Incidental Vocabulary acquisition2.8 SummaryCHAPTER THREE Research Design and Methodology3.1 Overview3.2 Research design3.3 Subjects3.4 Materials:3.4.1 Reading Passages3.4.2 Target Words3.5 Instruments3.5.1 Questionnaire and Target Words Pretest3.5.2 Target Words Post-tests3.5.3 Reading Comprehension Test3.5.4 The Retrospective Think-aloud Protocols:3.5.5 Pilot Study3.6 Procedures3.7 Data Collection and Analysis3.7.1 Data Collection3.7.2 Analysis of the Questionnaire and Target Words Pretest:3.7.3 Scoring of Target Words Posttest3.7.4 Classification of the Think-aloud Protocols3.7.5 Data Analysis3.8 SummaryCHAPTER FOUR Results and Discussion4.1 Overview4.2 Findings of the Study4.2.1 Summary Report of Topic Familiarity4.2.2 Summary Report of Target Words (TW) Acquired in the First Posttest4.2.3 Summary Report of Target Words (TW) Acquired in the Second Posttest4.2.4 Summary Data of Semantic Processing Strategies4.3 Quantitative Analyses4.3.1 T-test on Topic Familiarity of the Two Reading Passages4.3.2 T-test on the Acquisition of the Target Words in the Two Reading Passages in the Pretest and the Two Posttests4.3.3 Correlation of Semantic Processing Strategies Employed and the Acquisition of Target Words in the 2 Posttests4.4 Qualitative Analyses4.4.1 Successful Semantic Processing4.4.2 Classification of Reasons on Acquisition Failure in IVA through Reading4.5 SummaryCHAPTER FIVE Conclusion5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.2 Theoretical and Pedagogical Implication5.3 Limitation of the Study and Suggestions for Further StudyREFERENCESAPPENDICIES
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标签:定性研究论文; 附带性词汇习得论文; 语义加工论文;