Abstract摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Concept and Scope of Verbal Communication Failure2.1 Definition of verbal communication failure and recent studies on it2.2 Language communication theory2.2.1 Conditions for successful performance of language communication listed by Levinson2.2.2 Classifications of phenomena of verbal communication failure2.3 Verbal communication failure and its interface with relevant concepts2.3.1 Verbal communication failure2.3.2 Pragmatic failure2.3.3 Relationship between verbal communication failure and pragmatic failureChapter Three Factors that Can Lead to Verbal Communication Failure3.1 Non-language factors3.1.1 Social factor3.1.2 Physiological factor3.1.3 Body language factor3.2 Linguistic factors3.2.1 Linguistic competence3.2.2 Social linguistic competence3.2.3 Speech competence3.3 Pragmatic factors3.3.1 Conversational implicature3.3.2 Speech Act theory3.4 Cultural differences factors3.4.1 Religion3.4.2 History3.4.3 CustomsChapter Four Verbal Communication Failure Caused by Linguistic Factors4.1 Verbal communication failure caused by features of language itself4.1.1 Polysemy of language units4.1.2 Inaccurate understanding about the signified and the meaning of vocabulary4.1.3 Different understandings of the external display of the categorization of specific and general,positive and negative4.1.4 Understandings of differences between speaker and hearer in communication process4.2 Verbal communication failure caused by language ambiguity4.2.1 Language ambiguity on expression level4.2.2 Grammatical ambiguity4.2.3 Lexical and sentence ambiguity4.3 Verbal communication failure caused by differences in language competence4.3.1 Language knowledge4.3.2 Speech skill4.3.3 Knowledge structure of communication participantsChapter Five Verbal Communication Failure Caused by Pragmatic Factors5.1 Pragmatic factors that can cause verbal communication failure listed by Levinson5.1.1 Incorrect understanding about the communication purposes of speaker and hearer5.1.2 The speaker's ignorance of the pragmatic elements of word meanings5.1.3 Violating the fixed relation of meaning categorization5.1.4 Existence of speech acts and fixed mindset5.1.5 Responses to description5.1.6 Differences in individuality of speakers5.1.7 Differences in cognitive context5.2 Politeness principle and verbal communication failure5.2.1 Politeness principle5.2.2 Impolite phenomenon in communication5.3 Conversational implicature principle and verbal communication failure5.3.1 Co-operative principle5.3.2 Violation of truth-conditional principle5.3.3 Violation of coherence and motivated principle5.3.4 Violation of the principle of economy5.3.5 Violation of the principle of validity5.3.6 Violation of the reciprocal principleChapter Six Several Inspirations of Verbal Communication Failure to Teaching6.1 The purposes of foreign language teaching6.2 Three basic factors of foreign language syllable design from the perspective of language communication laws6.2.1 Participants in communication6.2.2 The objective and subjective environment of communication6.2.3 The behavioral process of communication6.3 Main problems existed in foreign language teaching6.3.1 Mainly focus on learning grammar and vocabulary6.3.2 Out-of-date learning method6.3.3 Poor comprehensive application ability6.4 Strategies and methods to cultivate the pragmatic ability and avoid verbal communication failure6.4.1 Cultivate the students' awareness of cross-cultural communication6.4.2 Stressing the important position of cultural teaching in foreign language teaching6.4.3 Strengthening the teaching of pragmatic knowledge6.4.4 Reforms on teaching models6.4.4.1 Changing the teacher-centered teaching model6.4.4.2 Place focus on comparing the differences of Chinese and English cultures6.4.4.3 Actively organizing second classroom activities6.4.4.4 Focusing on language functions and the felicitousness of the language6.4.4.5 Making full use of modern multimedia resources6.5 Improving testing system of teaching6.5.1 The purposes of testing6.5.2 Kinds of test6.5.3 The integration of testing and learning6.5.4 The change of testing focus6.6 Enriching the contents and kinds of textbooks6.6.1 Choosing appropriate textbooks for students6.6.2 Enriching the contents of textbooksChapter Seven ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:言语交际失误论文; 语用失误论文; 语言性因素论文; 语用性因素论文; 外语教学论文;