AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The objectives of this study1.2 The significance of this studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Culture2.1.1 The definition of culture2.1.2 The characteristics of culture2.2 Cultural difference2.2.1 The general definition of cultural difference2.2.2 The four main aspects of cultural difference2.3 Basic knowledge of ethics2.3.1 The definition of ethics2.3.2 The classification of ethics2.3.3 The fall of ethics2.3.4 The re-birth of traditional ethics2.3.5 Modern ethicsChapter 3 The Development of Ethics in China and Western Countries3.1 The development of Chinese traditional ethics3.1.1 The history and spirit of Chinese ethics3.1.2 The development of Chinese traditional ethics3.2 The development of Western traditional ethics3.2.1 The history of Western traditional ethics3.2.2 The development of Western traditional ethics3.3 Modern values of Chinese and Western traditional ethicsChapter 4 A Comparison of Traditional Ethics in China and Western Countries4.1 A general comparison between Chinese and Western traditional ethics4.2 A specific comparison4.2.1 Geographical differences between Chinese and Western traditional ethics4.2.2 Differences in historical development4.2.3 Religious differences4.2.4 Differences in productive means4.2.5 Differences in social institutionsChapter 5 ConclusionBibliographyPapers Published During 2008-2011
标签:文化差异论文; 中国传统伦理观论文; 西方传统伦理观论文;