AcknowledgementsAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)List of Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General statement1.2 Rationale for the present research1.2.1 The motivation of the present research1.2.2 The reason for adopting the perspective of functional grammar1.2.3 The significance of the present research1.3 Data collection and approaches to data analysis1.4 Research questions1.5 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 Studies on modality2.2.1 Different approaches to modality in linguistics2.2.2 Studies on modality at home2.2.3 Recent development of studies on modality2.2.4 Comments2.3 Studies on the genre of business letters2.3.1 Linguistic studies on business letters2.3.2 Comments2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Overview3.2 Three metafunctions in functional grammar3.3 Genre3.3.1 The concept of genre3.3.2 Generic structure: move3.3.3 Summary3.4 Modality in functional grammar3.4.1 Introduction3.4.2 Modality and polarity3.4.3 Modality type3.4.4 Modal value3.4.5 Modal orientation3.4.6 Linguistic realization of modality3.4.7 Summary3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis4.1 Overview4.2 Data collection and description4.3 Data analysis4.3.1 Genre analysis of English business complaint letters4.3.1.1 Tenor and communicative purpose analysis4.3.1.2 Move analysis: generic structure4.3.1.3 Summary4.3.2 Modality analysis English of business complaint letters4.3.2.1 Overview4.3.2.2 Identification of modal expressions4.3.2.3 Modality type analysis4.3.2.4 Modal value analysis4.3.2.5 Modal orientation analysis4.3.2.6 Distribution of modal expressions in the generic structure4.3.2.7 Summary4.3.3 Discussion of the role of modality in English business complaint letters4.3.3.1 Role as interactional strategy4.3.3.2 Role as politeness strategy4.3.3.3 Role as metadiscoursal strategy4.3.3.4 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion and Implications5.1 Overview5.2 Implications of the present research5.3 Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future researchBibliographyAppendix
标签:英文商务投诉信论文; 情态论文; 体裁论文; 人际功能论文;