摘要AbstractList of Tables and GraphsContentsChapter One Introduction1.0 Overview1.1 Background1.2 Rationale1.3 Research questions1.4 Research method1.5 Layout of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Culture and Consumer Behavior2.1.0 Overview2.1.1 Definition of culture2.1.2 National culture and consumer behavior2.1.3 Hofstede's five cultural dimensions2.1.4 The Chinese culture and the American culture2.2 Consumer decision-making styles2.2.0 Overview2.2.1 The Consumer Styles Inventory(CSI)2.2.2 The generalizability of CSI2.2.3 Cultural values and consumer decision-making styles2.3 Studies of Chinese consumer behavior2.3.0 Overview2.3.1 Institutional and individual researches2.3.2 Regional segmentation2.3.3 Generational segmentationChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.0 Overview3.1 Major concepts in the current study3.1.1 Tertiary students3.1.2 Acculturation3.1.3 Consumer socialization3.2 Theoretical framework of the present studyChapter Four Research Design and Data Presentation4.1 Research design and data collection4.1.0 Overview4.1.1 Instrument4.1.2 The design of the questionnaire4.1.3 Samples4.1.4 Pilot studies and questionnaire improvement4.1.5 Data collection4.2 Data presentation4.2.0 Overview4.2.1 Demographic information4.2.2 Modern tertiary students'cultural values-individualism/collectivism and long-term orientation4.2.3 Modern tertiary students'consumer decision-making stylesChapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion5.0 Overview5.1 Modern tertiary students'cultural values concerning individualism/collectivism5.1.1 Strong tendency toward individualism5.1.2 Adherence to collectivism5.1.3 Unique individualistic consumption lifestyles5.2 Modern tertiary students'cultural values concerning long-term orientation5.2.1 Inheritance of long-term oriented values5.2.2 Divergence from traditional virtue5.2.3 The long-term oriented consumption lifestyles5.3 Modern tertiary students'consumer decision-making stylesChapter Six Conclusion and Implication6.0 Overview6.1 Conclusion6.2 Implications6.3 Limitations and further researchesReferencesAcknowledgementAppendix在学期间的科研成果及发表的论文
- [1].美国高校学生创新能力培养及其对我国的启示[J]. 教育理论与实践 2016(03)
标签:中国高校学生论文; 文化价值观论文; 个人主义论文; 长期导向论文; 消费模式论文;