ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要CHAPTER Ⅰ INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Research Objectives1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisCHAPTER Ⅱ AN OVERVIEW OF THE STUDIES OF HEDGES2.1 Definitions of Hedges2.2 Classification of Hedges2.2.1 Grammatical Classification2.2.2 Semantic Classification2.2.3 Pragmatic Classification2.2.3.1 Prince’s Classification2.2.3.2 Salager-Meyer’s Classification2.2.3.3 Hyland’s Classification2.3 Semantic Features of Hedges2.3.1 Cancellability2.3.2 Markedness2.3.3 Indefiniteness2.3.4 Indirectness2.4 Studies of HedgesCHAPTER Ⅲ THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE PRESENT STUDY3.1 An Introduction of Adaptation Theory3.2 Language Use: Choice Making3.3 Three Properties of Language3.3.1 Variability3.3.2 Negotiability3.3.3 Adaptability3.4 Four Angles of Investigation3.4.1 The Contextual Correlates of Adaptability3.4.2 The Structural Objects of Adaptability3.4.3 The Dynamics of Adaptability3.4.4 The Salience of the Adaptation ProcessCHAPTER Ⅳ RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND DATA PROCESSING4.1 Research Questions4.2 Data Collection4.3 Research Procedures4.4 Statistical Analysis of the DataCHAPER Ⅴ ADAPTATION AND FUNCTIONS OF HEDGES IN NEWS REPORTING5.1 Characteristics of News5.2 Hedges in News Reporting5.3 Analysis of the Adaptation of Hedges in News Reporting5.3.1 Adaptation to the Mental World5.3.1.1 Adaptation to Readers’ Mental World5.3.1.2 Adaptation to Journalists’ Mental World5.3.2 Adaptation to the Physical World5.3.2.1 Adaptation to Accuracy5.3.2.2 Adaptation to Objectivity5.3.2.3 Adaptation to Timeliness5.3.3 Adaptation to the Social World5.4 Pragmatic Functions of Hedges in News Reporting5.4.1 Achieving Accuracy5.4.2 Achieving Objectivity5.4.3 Achieving Politeness5.4.4 Achieving Self-protectionCHAPER Ⅵ CONCLUSION6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitation and Follow-up StudiesREFERENCESAPPENDIX ⅠAPPENDIX ⅡAPPENDIX Ⅲ
标签:模糊限制语论文; 新闻报道论文; 顺应性理论论文;