摘要AbstractChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry2.1 The Western and Chinese Views on Imagery2.1.1 Imagery in Western Critical Tradition2.1.2 Imagery in Chinese Literary Theories2.2 The Definition and Connotations of Imagery2.3 Classification of Imagery2.4 Artistic Features of Imagery2.4.1 Subjectivity both of the Poet and the Reader2.4.2 Fusion of Emotions with Scenes2.4.3 Mutual Creation of the Actual and the Imaginary2.5 The Aesthetic Components of Imagery2.5.1 Image2.5.2 Emotion2.5.3 RealmChapter 3 Theoretical Basis of Imagery Translation in Classical Chinese Poetry3.1 Literary Review of Imagery Translation3.1.1 Difficulties of Imagery Translation in Classical Chinese Poetry3.1.2 Translation Schools of Classical Chinese Poetry and Stress on Imagery3.1.3 The Essence of Classical Chinese Poetry Translation3.2 Fuzzy Aesthetics and Its Influence on Literary Translation Studies3.2.1 The Origin of Fuzzy Aesthetics3.2.1.1 Fuzziness and Fuzziology3.2.1.2 Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets3.2.1.3 Fuzziology and Linguistics3.2.2 The Establishment of Fuzzy Aesthetics3.2.2.1 Fuzzy Psychological Mechanism of Fuzzy Aesthetics3.2.2.2 Fuzzy Aesthetics3.2.3 The Influence of Fuzz Aesthetics on Literary Translation Studies3.3 Fuzzy Beauty and Its Application in Translation of Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry3.3.1 Definition3.3.2 Characteristics of Fuzzy Beauty3.3.2.1 Uncertainty of Fuzzy Beauty3.3.2.2.Totality of Fuzzy Beauty3.3.2.3 Inter-permeability of Fuzzy Beauty3.4 The Manifestations and Essence of Fuzzy Beauty in Imagery of Classical Chinese Poetry3.4.1 The Manifestations of Fuzzy Beauty in Imagery of Classical Chinese Poetry3.4.1.1 The Manifestations of Fuzzy Beauty in Image3.4.1.2 The Manifestations of Fuzzy Beauty in Emotion3.4.1.3 The Manifestations of Fuzzy Beauty in Realm3.4.2 Essence of Fuzzy BeautyChapter 4 Translation of Fuzzy Beauty of Imagery in Classical Chinese Poetry4.1 The Principle of Transferring Fuzzy Beauty4.2 Translating Fuzzy Beauty from Different Aspects4.2.1 Translating Fuzzy Beauty in Image4.2.2 Translating Fuzzy Beauty in Emotion4.2.3 Translating Fuzzy Beauty in Realm4.3 Translator’s Subjective Role in the Translation of Fuzzy Beauty4.4 Reader’s Subjective Role in the Translation of Fuzzy BeautyChapter 5 ConclusionAcknowledgementsBibliography研究成果
标签:中国古典诗歌论文; 意境论文; 模糊美论文; 模糊美学论文;