AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Exploring the Concept of Hedging2.1 Fuzziness and vague language2.2 The concept of hedging2.2.1 L.A. Zadeh’s study of fuzziness2.2.2 Lakoff’s study on hedges2.2.3 Study of hedges in ChinaChapter Three The Classification and Functions of Hedging3.1 The classification of hedging3.1.1 Prince, et al.’s classification of hedging3.1.2 Hubler’s classification of hedging3.2 The linguistic realization of hedging3.3 The functions of hedging (from semantic to pragmatic)3.3.1 Hedging as a semantic phenomenon with an ideational function3.3.1.1.H edging increases fuzziness3.3.1.2.H edging decreases fuzziness3.3.2 Semantic features of hedging3.3.3 Hedging as a pragmatic phenomenon with an interpersonal functionChapter Four Pragmatic Analysis of the Function of Hedging4.1 The pragmatic approach to the functions of hedging4.2 Hedging and conversational implicature4.3 Hedges and co-operative principle4.3.1 Grice’s co-operative principle4.3.2 Hedges and the maxims of co-operative principle4.4 Hedges and FTA theory, politeness principle4.4.1 Brown and Levison’s FTA theory and politeness theory4.4.2 Leech’s politeness principle4.4.3 Hedges and FTA theory and politeness principle4.5 Hedging failure in the conversational principles4.6 SummaryChapter Five Implications for Future StudyReferences
标签:模糊限制语论文; 语用分析论文; 会话含意论文; 合作原则论文; 面子威胁理论论文; 礼貌原则论文;