Abstract摘要ContentsChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Cuckoo's Nest and its author1.2 Literature ReviewChapter Ⅱ Review on Alienation2.1 Theoritical Perspective on Alienation2.2 Alienation Theme in Western Modern LiteratureChapter Ⅲ Features of Alienation in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest3.1 Alienation in Madness3.1.1 The Strategy of Madness in Literature3.1.2 Madness—Transformation of Alienation3.2 Alienation in the Process of Mechanization3.2.1 Men's Mechanization3.2.2 Alienation in the Delineation of MechanizationChapter Ⅳ Ken Kesey's Perception of Alienation4.1 The Protagonists' Self-alienation4.2 The Alienated Interpersonal Relations4.2.1 Dehumanized Treatment on the Patient in the Ward4.2.2 Distorted Love in the Family4.3 Men's Estrangement from the NatureChapter V ConclusionNotesBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:飞越疯人院论文; 异化主题论文; 疯癫论文; 人性异化论文;