摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Forming of the World Trade Center1.1 Background of the Forming of the WTC1.11 Decaying Conditions of New York City in the Late 19th Century1.12 The Most Influential Urban Planning Theories1.13 National Urban Renewal Movement1.2 Phase 1: Germination of the Project1.21 Rockefeller Family's Long-time Property Investment1.22 David Rockefeller's DLMA Plan1.23 Supports from the Municipal Government1.3 Phase 2: Setback and Rally1.31 Objections from Local Merchants1.32 The Agency That Built the WTC—the Port Authority1.33 Supports from the New York State Government1.4 Phase 3: The Westward Slide1.41 Objections from Governor of the New Jersey State1.42 Failed Objections from the Radio Row Merchants1.5 Phase 4: Shaping of the WTC1.51 Austin Tobin's Will: The WTC Got Bigger1.52 Yamasaki as the Chief Architect of the WTC1.6 Summary: A Closed Planning Process of the WTCChapter Two Forming of the Freedom Tower2.1 Prevalence of the New Planning Theories2.11 Theories in Favor of Street Life and Small Blocks2.12 The Anti-skyscraper Crusade2.2 Diversified Forces in the Planning Process of Ground Zero2.21 Larry Silverstein2.22 The Port Authority2.23 George Pataki—Governor of the New York State2.24 The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation2.25 Myriad Non-official Groups2.3 The Collective Function of the Intertwining Forces in the Planning Process2.31 Phase 1: A Compromise Reached on both Commercial and Cultural Development2.32 Phase 2: The Abortion of the First Set of Plans2.33 Phase 3: The Design Competition and Daniel Libeskind's Master Plan2.34 Phase 4: Design of the Individual Major Projects in the Master Plan2.4 Summary: A Relatively Open Planning Process of Ground ZeroChapter Three Causes of the Change3.1 The Sensation of the September 11 Event3.11 Attacks on American Soil3.12 Violent Loss of the Landmark3.13 Heavy Casualties3.14 Innocent Civilians as Targets3.2 Maturation of the System of Public Participation in City Planning in America3.21 Evolution of the Theories of Public Participation in City Planning in America3.22 Today's Actual Modes of Public Participation in City PlanningConclusionBibliography
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标签:世贸大厦论文; 自由大厦论文; 零地带论文; 封闭论文; 开放论文; 城市规划论文; 公众参与论文;