中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction of The Scarlet Letter1.2 Criticism on The Scarlet LetterChapter Two Hawthorne's Background and His Ecofeminist Consciousness2.1 Hawthorne's Background2.2 Ecofeminist Consciousness in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Life2.2.1 Nature in Hawthorne's Childhood2.2.2 Transcendentalist and Utopian Influence on Hawthorne2.2.3 Influences of Domestic Events and European Revolutions2.2.4 Some Important Women in Hawthorne's Life and Their Influences2.2.5 Haunting Shame of His Puritan AncestorsChapter Three Ecofeminism and Its Literary Criticism3.1 Ecofeminism3.2 Ecofeminist Literary CriticismChapter Four Ecofeminist Analysis in The Scarlet Letter4.1 Analysis from the Perspective of Environment4.1.1 Analysis of Rosebush and Forest in The Scarlet Letter4.1.2.Nature and Woman4.1.3 Nature and Science4.1.4 Nature and Society4.2 Analysis from the Perspective of Gender4.2.1 Female and Male Characters in The Scarlet Letter4.2.2 The Relation between Male and Female4.3 Analysis from the Perspective of Race4.4 Hawthorne's Limits of Ecofeminist Consciousness in The Scarlet Letter4.4.1 Limits of Ecofeminist Consciousness in Hawthorne's Character4.4.2 Limits and Compromise in The Scarlet LetterChapter Five ConclusionReferencesAcknowledgements
标签:霍桑论文; 红字论文; 生态女性主义论文; 和谐社会论文;