以韩礼德为主的系统功能语言学家认为语言具有三大元功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能,其中对人际功能的研究相对比较薄弱。在论述人际功能(意义)的实现手段时,韩礼德等主要考察了语气和情态两个系统,而对于其它可以实现人际意义的手段却鲜有论及。本文认为实现人际意义的手段应该有多种,而人称系统便是其中的一种。对人称系统的研究及其如何实现人际意义正是本文研究的重点。对于人称的研究,韩礼德和哈桑最初是从语篇角度来考虑的。他们认为,表示外指的(exophoric)的人称代词,即表示言语角色的人称代词(第一人称和第二人称代词)没有衔接功能;只有表示前指(anaphoric)和后指(cataphoric)的人称代词才具有衔接功能。而只是在1994 年之后,韩礼德认为人际意义体现于人称的使用当中,但遗憾的是他没有对其做任何更进一步的阐述。因此本文对人称在三种不同语类的使用及其所表达的人际意义进行研究,证明人称系统不但可以实现人际意义,且在不同的语类中实现的人际意义不尽相同。该研究不仅能够完善和丰富韩礼德的人际意义实现手段的理论,对言语交际和语言教学都具有一定的指导意义。
AcknowledgementsAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)List of Tables and FiguresChapter I Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Rationale of the Present Study1.2.1 Why systemic-functional grammar?1.2.2 Why interpersonal meaning?1.2.3 Why person system?1.2.4 Why discourses from different genres?1.2.5 Insight from critical discourse analysis1.3 Data and Methodology1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter II Theoretical Preliminaries2.1 Introduction2.2 Metafunctions of Language2.3 Interpersonal Meaning2.3.1 Four speech roles2.3.2. Mood2.3.3 Modality2.3.4 Comment and modification of Halliday’s framework2.4 The Person System2.4.1 Introduction2.4.2 Unmarked use of person system2.4.2.1 First person pronoun2.4.2.2 Second person pronouns2.4.2.3 Third person pronouns2.4.3 Marked use of person system2.4.3.1 Referent shift2.4.3.2 Singular and plural shift2.4.3.3 Exclusive occurrence or non-occurrence of certain person system2.4.3.4 Repeated use of person system2.5 Concluding RemarksChapter III The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning of Person System3.1 Introduction3.2 The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning by Person System in Advertising3.2.1 Introduction3.2.2 Data for analysis3.2.3 Interpersonal meaning of different pronouns in advertising3.2.3.1 Interpersonal meaning of the first person pronouns in adverting3.2.3.2 Interpersonal meaning of second person pronoun in advertising3.2.3.3 Interpersonal meaning of third person pronoun in advertising3.2.4 Concluding remarks3.3 The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning by Person System in Political Speeches3.3.1 Introduction3.3.2 The similarities of the use of person system in the three speeches3.3.3 The differences in the use of person pronouns3.3.3.1 Comparison between the two inaugural addresses3.3.3.2 Comparison of Bush’s two speeches3.3.4 Concluding remarks3.4 The Interpersonal Meaning of Person System in Research Papers3.4.1 Introduction3.4.2 Data for analysis3.4.3 The overall picture of pronoun use3.4.4 The interpersonal meaning of first person pronouns3.4.5 Concluding remarksChapter IV Conclusion4.1 Significance and Major Findings4.2 Implications4.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendix论文独创性声明论文使用授权声明
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标签:系统功能语法论文; 人称系统论文; 人际意义论文;
The Interpersonal Meaning of Person System