Abstract摘要AcknowledgmentsFigures and Charts of the Present ThesisAbbreviationsContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Scope1.3 Research Questions1.4 Research Hypothesis1.5 Research Methodology1.6 Research SignificanceChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Terminology clarification2.1.1 Learning strategy and learning method/technique2.1.2 Learning strategy and learner strategy2.1.3 Translation learning strategy and translation strategy2.2 Definitions and classifications of learning strategies2.2.1 Definitions2.2.2 Classifications2.2.3 Summary2.3 Review of language learning strategy researches2.4 Review of translation learning strategy researches2.5 Constructivism and translation learning strategies2.5.1 Constructivism2.5.2 Constructivism view of knowledge,learning and students & teachers2.5.3 Constructivism and translation teaching2.5.4 Constructivism and translation learning strategiesChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Translation learning strategy system3.2 The theoretical framework3.3 Specific research questions3.4 Methodology3.4.1 Subjects3.4.2 Subjects grouping3.4.3 Questionnaire Survey3.4.4 Data CollectionChapter Four Experiment Results4.1 The use of the three categories of translation learning strategies4.2 The Use of each translation learning strategy4.3 Translation learning strategies and translation academic scores4.4 Differences between the two groups4.4.1 Differences between the two groups in the use of meta-cognitive strategies4.4.2 Differences between the two groups in the use of cognitive strategies4.4.3 Differences between the two groups in the use of social/affective strategies4.5 SummaryChapter Five Findings and Discussions5.1 Major findings5.2 Discussions5.2.1 Reasons for students' inadequate use of meta-cognitive learningstrategies5.2.2 Reasons for students' most favorite and least favorite cognitive learning strategies5.2.3 Reasons for students' different use of social/affective learningstrategies5.2.4 The hypothesis about translation academic scores and translation learning strategies5.2.5 The differences between high-level students and low-level studentsChapter Six Suggestions and Conclusion6.1 Suggestions6.1.1 Strengthening students' translation learning strategy awareness6.1.2 Suggestions to students' use of meta-cognitive learning strategies6.1.3 Suggestions to students' use of cognitive learning strategies6.1.4 Suggestions to students' use of social/affective learning strategies6.1.5 Suggestions to high-level students and low-level students6.2 ConclusionChapter Seven Implications and Limitations7.1 Implications7.2 LimitationsBibliographyAppendices
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