
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of Tables and FiguresAbbreviation Used in This ThesisChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study1.3 Framework of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Research on Learning Strategies2.1.1 Definitions of Learning Strategies2.1.2 Classifications of Learning Strategies2.1.2.1 O'Malley and Chamot's(1990) Classification2.1.2.2 Oxford's(1990) Classification2.1.2.3 Wen Qiufang's(1996) Classification2.1.3 Factors Affecting Strategy Use2.2 The Study on Personality and Extroversion/Introversion2.2.1 The Study on Personality2.2.2 The Study on Extroversion/Introversion2.3 Studies on the Relationship between Personality and Learning Strategies Use2.4 SummaryChapter Three Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Participants3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Questionnaire for Extroversion/Introversion3.3.2 Questionnaire for Learning Strategies3.3.3 Semi-structured Interview3.4 Research Implementation3.4.1 Pilot Study3.4.2 Main Study3.4.2.1 Send and Collect the Questionnaires3.4.2.2 Identify the Extroverted and the Introverted Learners3.4.2.3 Examine the Use of Learning Strategies of the Extroverts/Introverts3.4.2.4 Interview Five Extroverts and Five Introverts3.5 Data Collection3.6 Data Analysis3.6.1 Analysis for the Quantitative Data3.6.2 Analysis for the Qualitative Data3.7 SummaryChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Results of the Study4.1.1 Relationship between the Extroversion/Introversion and the Strategy Use4.1.2 General Pattern of Strategy Use by the Extroverts and the Introverts4.1.3 Differences of Strategy Use between the Extroverts and the Introverts4.1.3.1 Pattern Differences of Strategy Use between the Extroverts and the Introverts4.1.3.2 Mean Differences of Strategy Use between the Extroverts and the Introverts4.2 Discussion of the Results4.2.1 Relationship between the Extroversion/Introversion and the Strategy Use4.2.2 General Pattern of Strategy Use by the Extroverts and the Introverts4.2.2.1 The Most and the Least Frequently Used Strategies4.2.2.2 The Medium Level of Strategy Use4.2.3 Differences of Strategy Use between the Extroverts and the Introverts4.2.3.1 Mean Differences of Cognitive,Social and Metacognitive Strategies Use4.2.3.2 Mean Differences of Affective,Memory and Compensation Strategies Use4.3 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitations and SuggestionsBibliographyAppendixⅠ 学习者外/内向性格和学习策略调查问卷AppendixⅡ 英语学习策略访谈提纲
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标签:内向性格论文; 学习策略论文;