中文摘要ABSTRACTIntroductionChapter One An Overview of the Studies on Prepositional Polysemy1.1 Traditional study of prepositional polysemy1.2 Cognitive study of prepositional polysemy1.2.1 Studies carried out abroad1.2.2 Studies carried out at home1.3 SummaryChapter Two Theoretical Discussions2.1 Cognitive linguistics2.1.1 The definition of cognitive linguistics2.1.2 Categorization and prototype theory2.1.3 Image schema: basic means of semantic extension2.1.4 Basic concepts: the protoscene, distinct senses, semantic network2.1.5 Cognitive principles for semantic extension2.2 Prepositional polysemy2.2.1 What is prepositional polysemy?2.2.2 Primary sense and criteria for determining primary sense2.2.3 Distinct senses and criteria for determining distinct senses2.3 Cognitive linguistics and prepositional polysemyChapter Three A Cognitive Analysis of the Preposition Under3.1 The protoscene of Under3.2 Distinct senses of Under3.2.1 Locating cluster3.2.2 A.B.C trajectory cluster3.2.3 Being-covered-by sense3.2.4 Descending cluster3.3 Semantic network of Under3.4 SummaryChapter Four The Implications of the Present Study in Teaching Prepositions4.1 Vocabulary learning problems of the Chinese EFL learners4.2 Benefits of the present approach to prepositions4.3 Proposed methods for teaching prepositions4.3.1 Protoscene method and semantic network method4.3.2 Presentation method, imagery method and object method4.4 The practice of the methods4.4.1 Presenting the protoscene of a preposition4.4.2 Explaining the semantic extension of the preposition4.4.3 Showing the semantic network of the preposition4.5 SummaryConclusionSignificance of the present studyLimitations of the present studySuggestions for further studyBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间发表的学术论文
标签:认知语言学论文; 介词多义论文; 原型意义论文; 区别性意义论文; 语义网络论文; 认知法则论文; 外语教学论文;