Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Margaret Atwood and Her Works1.2 Literature Review of The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake1.3 The Significance and Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 An Overview of Dystopia and the Two Principles of Ecocriticism2.1 Introduction to Dystopia2.2 Introduction to the Two Principles of EcocriticismChapter 3 The Re-evaluation on the Rolc of Mankind via the Introspective Principle3.1 Introspection of the Role of Mankind in Culture3.2 Introspection of the Role of Mankind in Society3.3 Introspection of the Role of Mankind in EcologyChapter 4 The Remedy for Anthropocentrism and Industrialism via the Holistic Principle4.1 Harmful Influences of Anthropocentrism and Industrialism4.1.1 The Dreadful Consequences Caused by Anthropocentrism4.1.2 The Chaotic State Resulting from Industrialism4.2 Ecological Criticism on Anthropocentrism and Industrialism4.2.1 Criticism on Anthropocentrism4.2.2 Criticism on Industrialism4.3 Effective Approach:the Ecological Holism4.3.1 The Guidance for the Relationships among Human Beings4.3.2 The Guidance for the Relationships between Human and Nature4.3.3 The Guidance for the Relationships among Human and OrganismsChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:反面乌托邦论文; 生态批评论文; 反思性原则论文; 整体性原则论文;