摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 An Introduction of Chinese Classical Poetry1.1 Basic concepts about CCP1.1.1 Definition of CCP1.1.2 Features of CCP1.2 Studies of CCPChapter 2 Schema Theory in Interpreting2.1 An Introduction to Schema Theory2.1.1 The Definition2.1.2 The Characteristics of Schema2.1.3 Studies of Using Schema Theory2.2 Categories of schema in Interpreting2.2.1 Linguistic Schema2.2.2 Background Schema2.2.3 Cultural Schema2.2.4 Coping Schema2.3 Schema Theory and CCP InterpretingChapter 3 Application of Schema Theory in CCP Interpreting3.1 In the Process of Preparation Stage:Accurate Understanding3.2 In the Process of Listening and Comprehension Stage3.2.1 Choice of Words in CCP Interpreting3.2.2 Imagination in CCP Interpreting3.3 Techniques in the process of Interpreting3.3.1 Borrowing3.3.2 Omission3.3.3 Addition3.4 Case Study:Interpreting CCP in the ConferenceConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:古典诗词论文; 口译论文; 图式理论论文;