Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale of the Proposed Study1.2 Research questions1.3 Research Methodology and data collectionChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous studies on patronage2.2 Previous studies on Foucault's "power of discourse"2.3 Previous translation studies in light of Foucault's theoryChapter 3 Theoretical FrameworkChapter 4 Case Study:government's manipulation in the name of FLP4.1 The similarities of translated fictions published by FLP4.1.1 Similarities in motif4.1.1.1 On wars and revolutions4.1.1.2 On struggle and reform during wars4.1.1.3 On the progressive development of socialism construction4.1.2 Similarities in characters4.1.3 Similarities in translation strategies4.1.3.1 Domestication of particular terms4.1.3.2.Specification of patriotic heroes and deeds4.1.3.3.Understatement of negative characters and love affairs4.2 Governments manipulation of translation in the name of FLP4.2.1 The nature of FLP and its relationship with the national government4.2.2 Patronage's manipulation on the selection of text4.2.3 Manipulation on the economic component4.2.4 Manipulation on the status component4.3 Interaction between patron as power and discourse4.3.1 Government's power exerted through discourse4.3.1.1 Power-laden discourse4.3.1.2 Strategic discourse as a site for applying power4.3.2 Government's power gained through discourse4.3.2.1 National government as the power4.3.2.2 Power consolidated through strategic discourse4.4 Patronage's interaction with other elements4.4.1 Dominant poetics between 1949 and 19664.4.2 Patronage's role in reconstituting poetics4.4.3 Patronage's interaction with ideology4.4.3.1 The left-leaned ideology in China4.4.3.2 Poor quality and deterioration in quantity of translationChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Major findings5.2 Significance of the Current Study5.3 Limitations of the Current StudyBibliographyAppendixAppendix 1 Booklist Published by FLP(categorized by time of publication)Appendix 2 Booklist Published by FLP(categorized by motifs)ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
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标签:小说翻译论文; 外文出版社论文; 国家政府论文; 赞助人论文; 权力话语论文; 意识形态论文; 诗学论文;