摘要Abstract1.Introduction2.L iterature Review2.1 Influence of advertising on consumers2.2 Feminine image in culture and advertising2.3 Oversea research on female consumer goods advertising2.4 Domestic research status on female consumer goods advertising3.Theoretical Background3.1 Intercultural communication theory3.1.1 Cultural perception3.1.2 Cultural value and communication3.1.3 Intercultural communication competence3.2 Gender theory4.C ase Study4.1 Different versions of the same brand advertisings in China and the West4.2 Female consumer goods advertising of family scene in China and the West4.3 Advertising for female products4.4 Advertising transition of the same brand5.A nalysis on Feminine Image in Female Consumer Goods Advertising in China and the West5.1 Classification of feminine image in female consumer goods advertising5.1.1 Female as virtuous wife and good mother5.1.2 Beautiful but ignorant female image5.1.3 Independent and self-confident female5.1.4 Post-modern female5.2 Difference and its cause of feminine image in female consumer goods advertising between China and the West5.2.1 The cause for stereotype in Chinese female consumer goods advertising5.2.2 The cause for diversification of western female consumer goods advertising5.3 Similarity and its cause of feminine image in female consumer goods advertising between China and the West6.C onclusionReferencesAcknowledgmentsAppendix
标签:女性消费品广告论文; 跨文化交际论文; 文化差异论文;