由于听力水平较难得到提高一直是困扰中国英语学习者的主要问题之一,因此听力理解作为基本语言技能愈来愈受到重视。众多学者着重对影响听力的因素,如情感、动机、策略以及技巧等进行了研究,而在长句对听力理解影响方面的研究却略显单薄。 为了能找到减小听懂长句难度的办法,本文基于图式理论、短时记忆、长时记忆、听力策略以及句法方面的研究提出了听力理解中长句的句法教学方法。首先,本文研究了听力理解中长句的特征及类型。其次,作者依据图式理论和短期记忆分析了长句影响学习者听力理解的原因,并且陈述了在听力课上实施长句句法教学方法的必要性。接下来本文展示了具体的句法教学方法。方法包括两部分:经过改进的传统语法教法和涉及五个方面的综合法。实施句法教学方法的目的是帮助学习者将学到的语法知识很好的应用到听力理解中去。为此,作者进行了教学试验。试验结果显示,作者提出的句法教学方法对提高学习者的听力理解能力有一定作用。由于受试者是中国英语专业学生,因此试验结果对于大学英语教学有一定的参考作用。最后文章还讨论了试验中的一些问题以及教学指导意义。作者希望长句的句法教学方法能够为英语学习者扫清听力理解中的障碍。
Part 1. Introduction and Literature ReviewI . IntroductionA. The studies and achievements on listeningB. How to reduce the difficulty of comprehending long sentences in the target languageII. Listening to the long sentence in the target languageA. Factors affecting listening comprehension?1. What is listening2. The factors affecting listening comprehension3. A big problem for L2 learners in listening class: the long sentenceB. What is along sentences:1. Definition and features of the long sentence:2. Types of long sentences1) multiple clauses:2) many phrases: participial phrases and prepositional phrases3) intervening components:4) parallelismIII. The considerations about the syntactic teaching of long sentences in listening comprehensionA. The necessity of teaching long sentences in listening comprehensionB. The studies and theories the syntactic teaching of long sentences based on1. The three processes of listening comprehension2. Schema Theory3. Short-term memory4. Listening strategy5. Studies on syntax1) The serial interpretation theory2) The parallel interpretation theory3) The hold mechanism theoryIV. Review of the teaching methodA. Traditional grammatical teachingB. The conventional listening instructionC. An opening thinking of grammar teaching in listening classD. Facets to keep in mind before carrying out the teaching plan1. Listening comprehension: teaching or testing?2. Task-based teaching methodology3. Factors relevant to long-term memoryPart 2. The syntactic teaching of the long sentence in listening classI . The design of the teaching planA. The teaching objectives: to improve students' listening ability in long sentencesB. The teaching tasks:C. The teaching schedule:D. The teaching content:E. Some facets requiring the teacher's attentionII. The procedures of the teaching planA. The syntactic analysis of long sentences1. The sentence structure analysis2. Combination3. Breaking downB. The synthetic teaching method1. Dictation and Notetaking2. The interactive activity: the combination of the audiolingual method and the communicative approach1). Question-answer drilling2). Imitation3). Interpretation3. Error analysis and feedback4. Sentence-gathering5. The analysis of different thoughts in Chinese and EnglishPart 3. Experimental reportI . The experiment designII. MethodA. Subjects:B. Materials:C. TestIII. Procedures:IV. ResultsA. The method of data analysisB. The results of the experimentC. ConclusionD. The follow-up interviewPart 4. Discussion and Pedagogical implicationsI . Discussion:A. The teacher's roleB. The environment of learningC. Factors influencing the outcomes of the experiment1. Learners didn't make sufficient efforts2. The tests and the teaching plan are not flawless1). language samples2). Test items3). The Cassette tape4). Other factorsII. Pedagogical implicationsA. Is L2 listening tedious, passive work, or a joyful psychological guessing game?B. which method has a greater influence on listening comprehension in the synthetic method, dictation or something else?C. Visual supportD. It's not the only way for learners to solve the problemE. How does a native speaker manage to chunk the long sentences successfully?Part 5. ConclusionReferencesAppendixes1. A sample of teaching plan2. Scores of the tests3. Script of Listening Test 14. Script of Listening Test 25. Listening Test 16. Listening Test 2
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标签:听力理解论文; 长句论文; 句法教学论文; 传统教法论文; 综合教法论文;
The Syntactic Teaching of Long Sentences in Listening Comprehension