摘要ABSTRACTChapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 The Translation of The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai1.2 Significance and Scope of the Study1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 The Concept of the Translator's Subjectivity2.1.1 Subjectivity and the translator's subjectivity2.1.2 Translation subjectivity and the translator's subjectivity2.2 A Review of the Study of the Translator's Subjectivity2.2.1 The marginal status of the translator2.2.2 The study of the translator's subjectivity abroad2.2.3 The study of the translator's subjectivity in ChinaChapter Three THE APPLICATION OF THE TRANSLATOR'S SUBJECTIVITY IN TRANSLATION PRACTICES3.1 The Translator's Subjectivity:How It Is Defined3.1.1 The translator's subjectivity and author orientation3.1.2 The translator's subjectivity versus source text orientation3.1.2.1 The translator's subjectivity versus linguistic equivalence3.1.2.2 The translator's subjectivity versus literal translation and liberal translation3.1.3 The translator's subjectivity versus reader response orientation3.2 The Translator's Subjectivity Implied in the Skopos Theory3.2.1 The Skopos theory3.2.2 The translator's subjectivity implied in personalized realization of aim of the ST3.2.3 The translator's subjectivity shown in the TT personalized realization3.3 Realization of The Translator's Subjectivity3.3.1 The translator's subjectivity and his/her choice of translation subject3.3.2 The translator's subjectivity and his/her choice of translation strategy and method in the translation processChapter Four THE TRANSLATOR'S SUBJECTIVITY IN THE SING-SONG GIRLS OF SHANGHAI4.1 The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai:Its Unique Place in Literary Translation4.2 Eileen Chang:A Writer-Turned-Translator4.3 The Translator's Subjectivity in Eileen Chang's Choice of The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai4.4 The Translator's Subjectivity in Eileen Chang's Choice of Translation Strategy and Method in Translation Process of The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai4.4.1 Modifying the content in the TT of The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai4.4.2 Explanation in characterization in the TT of The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai4.4.3 Inheriting the narrative mode in the TT of The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai4.4.4 Assimilation and adaptation in culture in the TT of The Sing-Song Girls of ShanghaiChapter Five THE TRANSLATOR'S SUBJECTIVITY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF LOYALTY EXEMPLIFIED BY THE SING-SONG GIRLS OF SHANGHAI5.1 The Translator's Subjectivity and Loyalty5.2 The Translator's Subjectivity Functions to a Certain Extent5.3 The Translator's Subjectivity and Creative Treason5.4 The Translator's Subjectivity and Eileen Chang's Understanding of Creative Treason in The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai5.4.1 Understanding the source text from her personal experience5.4.2 Understanding the source text from her cultural identity5.4.3 Understanding the source text from her language identity5.5 The Translator's Subjectivity is Not Beyond RestrictionsChapter Six CONCLUSIONREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:译者主体性论文; 忠实论文; 描述性研究论文; 海上花列传论文; 张爱玲论文;
文学翻译中的译者主体性研究 ——以《海上花列传》英译本为例