
摘要ABSTRACTIntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Questioning in English Class1.1.1 Definition of Questioning1.1.2 Review of Research on Questioning1.1.2.1 Foreign Studies on Questioning1.1.2.2 Domestic Studies on Questioning1.1.3 Importance of Research on Questioning in Collge English Class1.1.4 Current Problems about Questioning in College English Class1.1.4.1 Teacher- centered Class1.1.4.2 Throttling Real Output of Target Language1.1.4.3 Suppressing Classroom Interaction1.2 Dialogue in Teaching1.2.1 Concept of Dialogue in Teaching1.2.1.1 Dialogue as Instruction1.2.1.2 Dialogue as Conversational Process1.2.1.3 Dialogue as Inquiry1.2.1.4 Dialogue as Debate1.2.2 Review of Dialogue in Teaching1.2.2.1 Socratic Dialogue1.2.2.2 Friere’s Dialogic Education1.2.2.3 Bakhtin’s Dialogism1.2.3 The Necessity of Application of Dialogue to Teaching of English ClassChapter Two Theoretical Foundations of Questioning in College English Class from the Perspective of Dialogue2.1 Multiple Interactions between Main Bodies of Questioning2.1.1 Main Bodies of Questioning2.1.2 Multiple Interactions2.2 Questioning Process2.2.1 Process over Outcome2.2.1.1 Effective Questioning2.2.1.2 Questioning Sequence2.2.1.3 The Assessing of Responses to Given Questions2.2.1.4 Follow-up Questions2.2.2 Openness and Creativity as the Main Characteristics of Questioning Process2.3 Dialogic Relation between Main Bodies of QuestioningChapter Three Methodology3.1 Purpose of the Investigation3.2 Participants3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Sampling3.3.2 Classroom Observation3.3.3 Interview3.3.4 Students Questionnaire3.3.5 Data Collection and Analysis MethodChapter Four Research Results and Discussions4.1 Description and Analysis of Classroom Observations4.2 Description and Analysis of Interviews4.3 Questionnaire Results Analysis4.3.1 Satisfaction Extent in Class Questioning4.3.2 Confidence in English4.3.3 Interest in English Learning4.3.4 Learning Atmosphere of English Class4.3.5 Chances of Oral Practice4.3.6 Independent Thinking Ability4.3.7 Language Learning Attitude and BeliefsChapter Five Suggestions and Conclusion5.1 Implications for Teaching and Learning5.1.1 Listening to Diverse Opinions5.1.2 Suspension of Judgment5.1.3 Inquiry and Reflection5.1.4 Redefining the Roles of Teacher and Students5.2 Limitations5.3 Suggestions for Further Studies5.4 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgmentsAppendix在学期间发表的学术论文和参加科研情况
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标签:大学英语论文; 课堂提问论文; 对话论文;