随着商务英语专业人才日益受到市场青睐,研究如何培养商务英语专业人才就显得尤为重要。然而,对于商务英语的实际工作需求和中国商务英语学习者的学习需求的研究很少。本文以Hutchison, Waters,Dudley Evans和St.John的需求分析的理论为基础,调查了商务英语工作需求和教学现状,学生学习需求之间的差距。调查采取问卷,面谈的形式,对调查结果进行定量和定性分析得出结论如下:(1)需求分析在商务英语课程设计中的重要性。(2)实际工作中商务英语的需求和欠缺。(3)目前商务英语教学中存在的问题。(4)完善商务英语教学的建议。本研究旨在找出商务英语教学和实际工作应用之间的差距,为商务英语课程的设置提供准确可靠的依据,有利于教师制定合理的教学目标和选择教学方法,以提高教学效果,还可以使学生明确学习目标,提高学习效率。
摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Rationale of the Study1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Nature and Characteristics of Business English2.1.1 Origin of Business English2.1.2 Definitions and Classification of ESP2.1.3 Characteristics of Business English2.1.4 Classifications of Business English Learners2.1.5 Teaching of Business English2.2 Issues and Methods in Needs Analysis2.2.1 Definitions of Needs2.2.2 Process of Needs Analysis2.2.3 Hutchinson and Water's Model of Needs Analysis2.2.4 Other Models for Needs Analysis2.3 Studies on Communication in the Business Workplace2.3.1 Communicative Events in Business English2.3.2 Written Communication in the Business workplace2.3.3 Oral Communication in the Business Workplace2.3.4 Relevant Empirical StudiesChapter Three Research Questions and Methods3.1 Research Questions and Design3.2 Subjects and Context3.3 Research Process and Methods3.4 Questionnaire DescriptionChapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 Communication Needs in the Workplace4.1.1 Use of English in Workplace Communication4.1.2 Needs of Business Skills in Workplace Communication4.1.3 Difficulties of Business Skills in Workplace Communication4.1.4 Lacks in Workplace Communication4.2 Learners'Perceptions of Current Business English Teaching4.2.1 Motivation of BE Learning4.2.2 General Evaluation of BE Teaching4.2.3 BE Teaching Materials4.2.4 Qualification of BE Teachers4.2.5 BE Teaching Methodology4.3 Learners'Performance in BE Communication4.3.1 Present Situation of Learners'Participation4.3.2 Teachers'Views about Students'Performance4.3.3 Students'Perceptions about Low ParticipationChapter Five Major Findings and Pedagogical Problems5.1 Major Findings5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.2.1 Need of Email Writing Instruction5.2.2 Need of Communication Skills Training5.2.3 Need for Learners to Adjust to the CommunicationChapter Six Conclusions6.1 Summary of the Study6.2 Limitations of the StudyReferencesAppendixesAcknowledgements
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标签:商务英语教学论文; 工作需求论文; 需求分析论文;