ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS摘要AbstractChapter One:Introduction1.1 Rationale and Aim of the Present Thesis1.2 A Brief Review of the Research Done in This Field1.3 Arrangement of the ThesisChapter Two:An Overview of English Nominalization2.1 Definition of English Nominalization2.2.Category of Nominalization2.2.1 Lexical Nominalization2.2.2 Clausal Nominalization2.2.2.1 Nominalized Clauses2.2.2.2 Nominalized Non-finite Verbal Groups2.3 Nominalization in the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics2.3.1 The Theory of Grammatical Metaphor2.3.1.1 The Theory of Realization2.3.1.2 Congruent and Incongruent Realizations2.3.2 Classification of Grammatical MetaphorChapter Three The Textual Functions of English Nominalization and EST3.1 The Theory of Three Metafunctions of Language3.2 The Textual Functions of Nominalization3.2.1 Cohesive Function3.2.1.1 To Promote Thematic Progression3.2.1.2 To Help with Information Structure3.2.1.3 To Enhance Concise Reference and Smooth Transitions3.2.1.4 To Help with Lexical Cohesion3.2.2 Other Textual Functions3.2.2.1 To Contribute to Conciseness3.2.2.2 To Contribute to Objectivity3.2.2.3 To Contribute to Authority3.2.2.4 To Contribute to Formality3.2.2.5 To Trigger Presupposition3.3 EST as a Register Particularly Rich in NominalizationChapter Four A Comparison of the Styles of Diction in English and Chinese4.1 Tendency Towards Using Nouns in English4.1.1 The Relative Richness in Morphological Changes4.1.2 The Strict Syntactic Requirements4.1.3 The Syntax of Nouns4.1.4 Tendency Towards Using Nouns4.2 Tendency Towards Using Verbs in Chinese4.2.1 Lacking of Morphological Changes4.2.2 The Incompact Syntactic Structure4.2.3 The Syntax of Verbs4.2.4 Verbal Style of Diction4.3 More Incongruent Expressions vs.More Congruent ExpressionsChapter Five The Chinese Rendering of Nominalizations in EST Texts5.1 Criterion for EST Translation5.2 Translation of Nominalizations in EST into Chinese5.2.1 Into Equivalent Nominalizations5.2.2 Into Verbs or Adjectives5.2.3 Into 'Subject+Verb' or 'Verb+Object' Constructions5.2.4 Into Clauses5.2.5 Rearrangement of Text StructureChapter Six ConclusionsBibliography
标签:名词化论文; 语篇功能论文; 科技英语论文; 汉译论文;