摘要AbstractIntroduction1. An Overview of World Steel Industry2. An Overview of China's Iron and Steel Industry2.1 Definition of Iron and Steel Industry2.2 Iron and Steel's Production Process2.2.1 Ore Concentration and Coke Production2.2.2 Ore Reduction2.2.3 Iron Making2.2.4 Primary Steel Production2.2.5 Casting2.2.6 Rolling and Finishing2.3 The Development of China's Iron and Steel Industry2.3.1 Centrally-planned Phase(1949-late 1970s)2.3.2 Semi-market Oriented Phase(Early 1980s to present)2.4 Problems facing in China's steel industry, and government policy on administration & management Thesis Structure3. Indicators to Measure Productivity3.1 Capital Productivity indicator3.2 Labor Productivity (yuan/man.year) indicator3.3 Labor Productivity (tons/man.year) indicator4. Previous Studies on Productive Efficiency and its Methodology4.1 Literature Reviews4.2 Limitation in Previous Studies Data4.3 Popular methodology used in previous studies Conclusion4.3.1. Stochastic frontier production function4.3.2. Neoclassical paradigm5. China's Iron and Steel Industry Analysis5.1 Model5.2 Data5.3 Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis5.4 Empirical Result6. Policy Implication6.1 Do better on the work of eliminating laggard productivity6.2 Access to newer equipments and more advanced technologies6.3 Further labor reduction in workforce6.4 Further market-oriented reforms7. ConclusionCaptionBibliographyAppendix
标签:中国钢铁工业论文; 全要素生产率论文;