




  • Abstract
  • 中文摘要
  • Introduction
  • 1 Current Interests in Metonymy
  • 2 Previous Studies of Conceptual Integration
  • 3 The Objectives of This Thesis
  • 4 Methodology, Feasibility and Originality
  • Chapter One A Cognitive Study of Metonymy
  • 1.1 The Definition of Metonymy
  • 1.1.1 Traditional Definition
  • 1.1.2 Cognitive Definition
  • 1.2 The Classification of Metonymy
  • 1.2.1 Traditional Classification
  • 1.2.2 Cognitive Classification
  • 1.3 Metonymy as a Basic Mode of Cognition
  • 1.4 Metonymy as a Basic Mode of Thinking
  • 1.5 The Application of Metonymy
  • 1.5.1 Applying Metonymy to Daily Conversation
  • 1.5.2 Applying Metonymy to Literature
  • Chapter Two A Synoptic View of Conceptual Integration Theory
  • 2.1 Theoretical Basis of Conceptual Integration Theory
  • 2.2 Development of Conceptual Integration Theory
  • 2.3 Mental Space Theory
  • 2.4 The Network Model of Conceptual Integration
  • 2.5 Optimality Principles
  • 2.6 The Wide Application of Conceptual Integration Theory
  • Chapter Three The Interactional Relationship between Metonymy and Conceptual Integration Theory
  • 3.1 Metonymy as Basis of Conceptualization
  • 3.2 Conceptual Nature of Metonymy
  • 3.3 Metonymic Features and Conceptual Structure
  • 3.4 Metonymy and Mental Space Theory
  • 3.5 Metonymy and Optimality Principles
  • 3.6 The Role of Metonymy in Conceptual Integration Theory
  • 3.6.1 Metonymy in Conceptual Integration Networks
  • 3.6.2 Metonymic Shifts and Integration
  • 3.7 Case Study: A Study of Three Concrete Examples
  • 3.7.1 Digging Your Own Grave
  • 3.7.2 Blowing Your Own Horn
  • 3.7.3 Apocalypse ’42
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgements
  • Resume
  • 相关论文文献

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