
本文对《毛泽东选集》第一卷的中文文本以及其两个重要英译本(1954年由伦敦Wishart & Lawrence出版社出版的WL版以及1965年由外研社出版的FLP版)中的某些词汇特点和句法特点进行了对比研究,并探讨在这些文体特点上哪个译本更接近于原文本。本研究主要采用基于语料库方法的定量分析进行对比研究。本文中涉及的词汇特点包括:类符总数、型符总数、类型符比、句子总数、平均句长、词长和文本可读性。句法特点包括:并列句和复合句、被动句、定语从句和假设句。本文的结论为:与WL版相比,FLP版用词较少、词长较短并且句子较短。总的来说,FLP版在词法和句法特点上更接近原文本。
Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Need for the study1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Structure of the studyChapter Two An Introduction to the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung and its English Versions2.1 About the author and his writings2.2 About the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung2.3 Translation of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung and its two major English versions2.3.1 Translation of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung2.3.2 Two major English versions2.4 About the translators of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung2.4.1 Translators of the WL version2.4.2 Translators of FLP version2.5 Previous researches on the translation of the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tungChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Linguistic stylistics3.1.1 What is style?3.1.2 Methods of investigating linguistic stylistics3.2 Stylistic study of translation3.3 Corpus-based Translation Studies3.4 Areas of Corpus-based Translation Studies3.5 Limitations of corpus-based methodologyChapter Four Research methodology4.1 Research questions4.1.1 Research questions4.1.2 Hypotheses4.2 Criteria for collecting data and data source4.3 Feasibility analysisChapter Five Data Analysis of Stylistic Features5.1 Statistics of lexical features of the two English versions and the original text5.1.1 Selection of parameters for investigation5.1.2 Investigation of parameters in the translated texts and the original text5.1.3 Hypotheses prior to statistic analysis5.1.4 Related statistics5.1.5 Findings and discussion5.2 Statistics of syntactic features in the two English versions and the original text5.2.1 Selection of parameters for investigation5.2.2 Investigation of parameters in the translated texts and the original text5.2.3 Hypotheses prior to statistic analysis5.2.4 Related statistics5.2.5 Findings and discussionChapter Six Explanations of Major Findings6.1 Major findings6.2 Explanations from the perspective of stylistic equivalenceChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Significance of the thesis7.2 Limitations of the thesis7.3 Suggestions for future researchReferencesNotesAppendix: Abbreviations in the Thesis
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标签:对比研究论文; 两个英译本论文; 毛泽东选集第一卷论文; 文体特点论文; 数据统计分析论文;