Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Debates on the Nature of Linguistic Signs1.1 The Debates Before Saussure1.1.1 The Naturalists vs. the Conventionists in Ancient Greece1.1.2 Nomenclaturism in the Middle Ages1.1.3 Leibnitz vs. Locke in 17th and 18th century1.1.4 Humboldt vs. Whitney in 19th century1.2 The Debates Since Saussure1.2.1 The Debates Abroad1.2.1.1 Views Held by Advocates of the Principle of Arbitrariness1.2.1.2 Views Opposed to the Principle of Arbitrariness1.2.2 The Debates at Home1.2.2.1 Views Held by Advocates of the Principle of Arbitrariness1.2.2.2 Views Opposed to the Principle of ArbitrarinessChapter 2 Clarification of the Concept of Arbitrariness2.1 The Two Components of a Linguistic Sign2.1.1 Saussure’s Explanation2.1.2 Contemporary Linguists’ Explanations2.2 Saussure’s Absolute Arbitrariness2.2.1 Saussure’s Explanation2.2.2 Different Explanations on Saussure’s Absolute Arbitrariness2.3 Saussure’s Relative Arbitrariness2.4 Factors Restricting Arbitrariness2.4.1 Arbitrariness and Conventionality2.4.2 Arbitrariness and Systematicity2.5 The Epistemological Basis of Saussure’s Arbitrariness2.6 Saussure’s Perspective on the Relation Between Language and RealityChapter 3 Clarification of the Concept of Iconicity3.1 Peircean Model of the Taxonomy of Signs3.1.1 Symbols3.1.2 Indices3.1.3 Icons3.2 The Classification of Icons3.3 The Classification of Iconicity3.3.1 Imagic Iconicity3.3.2 Diagrammatic Iconicity3.3.3 Metaphorical IconicityChapter 4 Clarification of the Concept of Motivation4.1 Traces of Language Motivation4.1.1 Considerations on Language Motivation Abroad4.1.1.1 The Primeval Considerations on Motivation in Religion and Myth4.1.1.2 Philosophers’ Considerations on Motivation in Ancient Greece and Rome4.1.1.3 Considerations on Motivation in the European Middle Ages4.1.1.4 Considerations on Motivation in the Contemporary Euramerican Linguistic Research4.1.2 Considerations on Language Motivation at Home4.1.2.1 Considerations on Language Motivation Before the Qin Dynasty (Before 221 B.C) Considerations on Language Motivation from the Qin Dynasty(221B.C—206B.C) to the Han Dynasty (206B.C—200A.C) Considerations on Motivation in the Song Dynasty (960A.C—1279A.C) Considerations on Language Motivation in the Qing Dynasty (1616A.C—1911A.C) Considerations on Motivation by Contemporary Linguists4.2 Different Views on Language Motivation4.2.1 Interpretations from Different Scholars4.2.2 The Author’s Interpretation4.3 A Theoretical Issue Concerning Language Motivation—Inner Form624.4 Categories of Language Motivation4.4.1 Diachronic Classification of Motivation4.4.1.1 Original Words and Their Motivations4.4.1.2 Derivatives and Their Motivations4.4.1.3 Compounds and Their Motivations4.4.2 Synchronic Classification of Motivation4.5 Sources of Language MotivationChapter 5 Complementarity Between Arbitrariness and Motivation5.1 Motivation and Iconicity5.2 Arbitrariness and Iconicity5.3 Arbitrariness and Motivation5.3.1 The Key Points of Saussure’s Arbitrary Principle5.3.2 The Key Points of the Principle of Motivation5.3.3 Complementarity Between Arbitrariness and MotivationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsResume
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- [7].任意性的限制:索绪尔的理性观探究[J]. 外语教学 2015(02)
- [8].索绪尔语言观的继承与思考[J]. 青年文学家 2020(05)
- [9].对索绪尔《普通语言学教程》中文字与语言关系的理解[J]. 北方文学 2019(27)
- [10].哲学语境下的索绪尔思想研究[J]. 语言教育 2014(03)
- [11].浅谈索绪尔语言观中的对立统一[J]. 青年文学家 2018(06)
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- [13].浅析索绪尔的语言观及语言研究方法[J]. 长江丛刊 2016(21)
- [14].一代符号学大师、整个世纪之影响——纪念索绪尔逝世100周年(代编者按)[J]. 俄罗斯文艺 2013(04)
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- [21].索绪尔对任意性论述的缺陷与偶然性[J]. 怀化学院学报 2013(09)
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- [24].作为哲学家的索绪尔[J]. 外语学刊 2014(01)
- [25].历时与共时中“时”之追问——索绪尔的“时间”解读[J]. 外语学刊 2014(02)
- [26].两种索绪尔批判思考——读时枝诚记与本维尼斯特[J]. 吉林农业科技学院学报 2014(03)
- [27].索绪尔语言符号观评述[J]. 外国语文 2012(S1)
- [28].对索绪尔“语言任意性”的再认识[J]. 安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2011(02)
- [29].索绪尔已刊论著与未刊手稿整理状况简目[J]. 法国研究 2011(02)
- [30].浅谈索绪尔对符号学的贡献[J]. 湖北成人教育学院学报 2010(03)
标签:语言符号论文; 任意性论文; 象似性论文; 理据性论文; 互补性论文;