ABSTRACT摘要ContentsCHAPTER ONE IntroductionCHAPTER TWO Literature Review2.1 Previous Studies on Court Interpreting2.2 Previous Studies on Relevance Theory2.3 Previous Studies on Preparations for InterpretingCHAPTER THREE Theoretical Framework3.1 Ostensive-inferential Communication3.2 Court Interpreting as Complicated Ostensive-inferential CommunicationCHAPTER FOUR Short-term Preparations for Court Interpreting in the Perspective of Relevance Theory4.1 Pre-task Preparations for the Public Prosecutor4.1.1 In Terms of the Social Relations Infringed Upon by the Crime4.1.2 In Terms of the Criminal Facts4.1.3 In Terms of the Accused4.1.4 In Terms of the Intent of the Crime4.2 Pre-task Preparations for the Defense Counsel4.2.1 Guilty Plea4.2.2 Not Guilty Plea/Innocent Plea4.3 Pre-task Preparations for the Judges4.4 Pre-task Preparations for the AccusedCHAPTER FIVE Applicability of Short-term Preparations for Court Interpreting5.1 Subjects5.2 Materials for Interpreting5.3 Introduction Lesson on Pre-task Preparations for Court Interpreting5.4 Experiment Procedure5.5 Hypothesis5.6 Questionnaire5.7 Evaluation of Students' Performances5.8 Analysis of the Result of the ExperimentCHAPTER SIX Conclusions6.1 Findings6.2 Implications6.2.1 Qualifications for a Competent Court Interpreter6.2.2 Necessity of Legal Fundamentals Lessons in Legal English Syllabus6.2.3 Improvement of the Existing Court Interpreting System6.3 LimitationsREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTAPPENDIX AAPPENDIX BAPPENDIX CAPPENDIX DAPPENDIX EAPPENDIX FAPPENDIX GAPPENDIX HAPPENDIX IAPPENDIX JAPPENDIX KAPPENDIX LAPPENDIX M
标签:关联理论论文; 法庭口译论文; 法庭口译员论文; 准备论文;