摘要Abstract中文部分0 、前言0.1 研究对象、研究背景与研究意义0.1.1 研究对象0.1.2 研究背景0.1.3 研究意义0.2 研究综述1、问题的提出2、先秦时期的山东海神信仰2.1 石器时代山东的海神信仰2.2 山海经时代山东的海神信仰2.3 春秋战国时期山东的海神信仰2.4 先秦时期的海神祭祀3、秦汉魏晋时期山东的海神信仰3.1 秦汉时期的海域变化3.2 秦时山东的海神信仰3.3 汉代山东的海神信仰3.4 魏晋南北朝时期山东的海神信仰3.5 秦汉魏晋时期的海神祭祀4、隋唐五代时期山东的海神信仰4.1 隋唐时期的东海海神崇拜与祭祀4.2 四海龙王信仰的初步兴起4.3 观音信仰的出现5、宋元时期山东的海神信仰5.1 宋元时期的东海海神崇拜与祭祀5.2 四海龙王信仰的继续发展5.3 妈祖信仰的兴起以及在山东的传播6、明清时期山东的海神信仰6.1 明清时期东海海神的崇拜与祭祀6.2 四海龙王和四海海神合流6.3 妈祖信仰在山东的广为流行6.4 其它的海神信仰6.4.1 鱼神6.4.2 仙姑6.4.3 晏公6.4.4 萧神6.4.5 狐仙6.4.6 其它7、山东海神信仰的生成基础与区域特征7.1 山东海神信仰的生成基础7.1.1 山东海神信仰的海洋环境基础7.1.2 山东海神信仰的海洋经济条件7.1.3 山东海神信仰的海洋人文条件7.1.4 山东海神信仰在国家祭祀中的地位7.1.5 山东海神信仰的社会生活需求7.2 山东的海神信仰的地域特征8、结论参考文献英文部分0 Preface0.1 Object、background and significance of the research0.1.1 Object Background0.1.2 Research Background0.1.3 Research significance0.2 The previous research at home and abroad and the questions to be solved1 The propose of issue2 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of pre-qin2.1 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the Stone Age2.2 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Mountains and Seas2.3 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States2.4 Sea God Ritual in this period3 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Qin-Han and Wei-Jin Dynasties3.1 Sea area change in the period of Qin-Han Dynasties3.2 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Qin Dynasty3.3 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Han Dynasty3.4 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties3.5 Sea God Ritual in this period4 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Sui Tang and Five Dynasties4.1 the Worship and Ritual of East China Sea God in the period of Sui Tang and Five Dynasties4.2 The initial emergence of faith to the Dragon King4.3 The appearance of Guanyin faith5 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Song and Yuan dynastie5.1 the Worship and Ritual of East China Sea God in the period of Song and Yang Dynasties5.2 The continued development of faith to the Dragon King5.3 The rise of Mazu faith and the spread of it in Shandong6 Shandong’s Sea God faith in the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties6.1 the Worship and Ritual of East China Sea God in the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties6.2 The Merge of Universal Dragon king and all the Sea God6.3 The widely Popular of Mazu Faith in Shandong6.4 Other Sea God faiths in Shandong6.4.1 Fish god6.4.2 Xian Gu god6.4.3 Yan Gong God6.4.4 Xiao God6.4.5 Fox Immortal6.4.6 Others7 The Generated basis and regional characteristics of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.1 The Generated basis of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.1.1 The marine environmental basis of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.1.2 The economic conditions of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.1.3 The cultural conditions of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.1.4 The status of national ritual of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.1.5 The society needs of the Shandong’s Sea God faith7.2 The Regional Characteristics of the Shandong’s Sea God faith8 ConclusionReferences致谢个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果
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标签:山东论文; 海神信仰论文; 祭祀论文;