




  • Acknowledgements
  • 中文摘要
  • Abstract
  • 中文提要
  • Synopsis
  • Introduction
  • 0.1 Research Data
  • 0.1.1 A General Introduction to Doris Lessing
  • 0.1.2 The Theme of The Grass Is Singing
  • 0.2 Literature Review
  • 0.2.1 Literature Review Abroad
  • 0.2.2 Literature Review at Home
  • 0.3 The Objectives of this Thesis
  • 0.4 Research Methodology of this Thesis
  • 0.5 The Significance of this Thesis
  • 0.6 The Layout of this Thesis
  • Chapter 1 Theoretical Basis of the Thesis
  • 1.1 The Origin of the Theory of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.1.1 The Development from Stylistics to Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.1.2 Impact of Classical Feminist Works and Movements on the Construction of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.1.3 The Impact of Critical Linguistics on the Construction of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.2 An Introduction to Feminist Stylistics and its Basics
  • 1.2.1 A Brief Introduction to the Theory of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.2.2 A Typical Model of Text from the Perspective of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.2.3 The Important Function of Reading from the Perspective of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.3 Major Analytic Tools Employed by Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.3.1 Metaphor and Simile as an Analytic Tool in Feminist Stylistics
  • Metaphor and Simile as an analytic Tool from the Perspective of Traditional Stylistics
  • Metaphor and Simile as an Analytic Tool from the Perspective of Feminist Stylistics24
  • 1.3.2 Transitivity Choices as an Analytic Tool in Feminist Stylistics
  • Transitivity Choices as an Analytic Tool from the Perspective of Traditional Stylistics
  • Transitivity Choices as an Analytic Tool from the Perspective of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.3.3 Focalization as an Analytic Tool in Feminist Stylistics
  • Focalization as an Analytic Tool from the Perspective of Traditional Stylistics
  • Focalization as an Analytic Tool from the Perspective of Feminist Stylistics
  • 1.4 Summary of this Chapter
  • Chapter 2 Feminist Stylistic Analysis of The Grass Is Singing on the Lexical Level
  • 2.1 The First Person Pronouns and Gender Roles in The Grass Is Singing
  • 2.1.1 The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and Other White People as a Group
  • The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and the Dominating White Group
  • The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and Her Friends in Town
  • 2.1.2 The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and Dick
  • The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and Dick Shortly after Their Marriage
  • The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and Dick Years after Their Marriage
  • 2.1.3 The First Person Pronouns Revealing the Relationship between Mary and Moses
  • 2.2 Gender-specific Personal Names and Terms of Address in The Grass Is Singing
  • 2.2.1 Gender-specific Ways in Which Mary and Dick are Named and Addressed
  • Gender-specific Ways in Which Mary and Dick are Named
  • Gender-specific Ways in Which Mary and Dick are Addressed
  • 2.2.2 Naming and Addressing Practice with Political Hints for the Natives in The Grass Is Singing
  • 2.3 Summary of this Chapter
  • Chapter 3 Analysis of The Grass Is Singing from the Perspective of Transitivity
  • 3.1 Typical Transitivity Choices Suggesting Mary’s Passivity to Others before her Marriage
  • 3.2 Typical Transitivity Choices Suggesting Mary’s Passivity to Dick after her Marriage
  • 3.3 Typical Transitivity Choices Suggesting Mary’s Passivity to Moses
  • 3.3.1 Typical Transitivity Choices Suggesting Mary’s Pretentious Superiority to Moses
  • 3.3.2 Typical Transitivity Choices Suggesting Mary’s Obedience to Moses
  • 3.4 Summary of this Chapter
  • Chapter 4 Analysis of The Grass Is Singing from the Perspective of Metaphor
  • 4.1 Similes Reflecting the Hierarchy of the Colonial African Society and Gender Roles in The Grass Is Singing
  • 4.2 Extended Metaphors Reflecting the Repressive African Colonial Society and Gender Roles in The Grass Is Singing
  • 4.3 Similes, Metaphors Reflecting Distinctive Cognition and Mind Style of Repressed Mary in The Grass Is Singing
  • 4.4 Summary of this Chapter
  • Chapter 5 Narrative Focalization in The Grass Is Singing
  • 5.1 Narrative Focalization from the White Males’ Perspective in The Grass Is Singing
  • 5.1.1 Narrative Focalization from the Dominant White Males’ Perspective in The Grass Is Singing
  • 5.1.2 Narrative Focalization from Tony’s Perspective in The Grass Is Singing
  • 5.2 Narrative Focalization from Mary’s Perspective in The Grass Is Singing
  • 5.3 Shifts of Focalization in The Grass Is Singing
  • 5.3.1 Shifts of Focalization between Mary and Dick
  • 5.3.2 Shifts of Focalization between Mary and Moses
  • 5.4 Summary of this Chapter
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • 个人简历
  • 相关论文文献

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    • [2].大地青草扶手椅[J]. 动感(生态城市与绿色建筑) 2016(03)
    • [3].要设法寻找到那把“青草”[J]. 新作文(高中版) 2019(12)
    • [4].养牛的妙方[J]. 幽默与笑话 2020(02)
    • [5].青草、老鼠和桃子[J]. 小学生学习指导 2020(Z2)
    • [6].青草河文学社简介[J]. 语文世界(小学生之窗) 2020(Z1)
    • [7].背上乡间的青草(外二首)[J]. 辽河 2020(04)
    • [8].我会像青草一样呼吸[J]. 中学生阅读(初中版) 2020(05)
    • [9].青草民间[J]. 散文诗世界 2020(07)
    • [10].淘气的青草[J]. 延河 2020(06)
    • [11].那里青草茂盛[J]. 诗刊 2020(12)
    • [12].为青草颁发的授奖词(组诗)[J]. 星星 2020(16)
    • [13].谁偷吃了青草派[J]. 小学科学 2020(07)
    • [14].一亩青草地[J]. 星星 2020(19)
    • [15].总攻[J]. 小学生时代 2020(Z1)
    • [16].我会像青草一样呼吸[J]. 作文 2020(Z2)
    • [17].在青草里游泳[J]. 散文诗 2019(12)
    • [18].分拣青草饼[J]. 小学生学习指导 2019(Z5)
    • [19].青草[J]. 风流一代 2019(25)
    • [20].那条青草路[J]. 青年文学家 2017(36)
    • [21].青草地[J]. 作品 2018(01)
    • [22].凌晨之诗[J]. 中国诗歌 2017(12)
    • [23].吃青草的鱼[J]. 少儿科学周刊(少年版) 2018(08)
    • [24].吃青草的鱼[J]. 少儿科学周刊(儿童版) 2018(08)
    • [25].青草、老鼠和桃子[J]. 小学生学习指导 2018(30)
    • [26].只有青草焕然一新[J]. 星火 2018(06)
    • [27].青草间的吟唱(组诗)[J]. 北方文学 2016(02)
    • [28].青草童年[J]. 星星(上旬刊) 2015(03)
    • [29].青草燃香[J]. 中国诗歌 2015(03)
    • [30].《青草地》[J]. 鸭绿江(下半月版) 2015(07)

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