摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Structure of the DissertationChapter Two A Review of Literature2.1 Pragmatic Failure2.1.1 Pragma-linguistic Failure2.1.2 Socio-pragmatic Failure2.1.3 Other Definitions of Pragmatic Failure and Limitations2.2 Researches on Pragmatic Failure at Home and Abroad2.2.1 Foreign Research on Pragmatic Failure2.2.2 Domestic Research on Pragmatic Failure2.2.2.1 Pragmatic Failure and Cross- cultural Communication2.2.2.2 Pragmatic Failure and Second Language Acquisition2.2.2.3 Pragmatic Failure and Cognition2.2.2.4 Pragrnatic Failure and Foreign Language Teaching2.3 Inadequacy of Previous Studies2.4 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Basic Notions3.1.1 Pragmatic Failure3.1.2 Adaptation3.2 Relevant Theories3.2.1 The Context Theory3.2.1.1 The Notions of Context3.2.1.2 The Dynamic Context3.2.1.3 The Functions of Dynamic Context3.2.2 The Style Theory3.2.2.1 Classification of English Styles3.2.2.2 The Determining Factors of Stylistic Choices3.2.3 Theory of Adaptation3.2.3.1 The Pragmatic Perspective3.2.3.2 The Adaptation Theory3.3 Theoretical Framework for Pragmatic Analysis3.4 SummaryChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Objectives4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.4 Procedures4.5 Data Analysis4.6 SummaryChapter Five Pragmatic Failure Viewed from the Perspective of Adaptation5.1 Pragmatic Failure and Contextual Correlates of Adaptability5.1.1 Neglect of Adaptation to the Mental World5.1.1.1 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Personality5.1.1.2 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Intention5.1.1.3 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Emotion5.1.1.4 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Value Systems5.1.2 Neglect of Adaptation to the Social World5.1.2.1 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Level of Education5.1.2.2 Failure to Adapt to the Language User's Social Position5.1.2.3 Failure to Adapt to the Relationship with the Interpreter5.1.2.4 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Cultural Conventions5.1.3 Neglect of Adaptation to the Physical World5.1.3.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Temporal Reference5.1.3.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Spatial Reference5.2 Pragmatic Failure and Structural Objects of Adaptability5.2.1 Failure to Make Adaptation at Vocabulary Level5.2.2 Failure to Make Adaptation at Phrase and Sentence Level5.2.3 Failure to Make Adaptation at Discourse Level5.3 SummaryChapter Six Suggestions for Foreign Language Teaching6.1 Importance of Improving Students'Communicative Competence and Pragmatic Competence6.2 Ways of Developing Students'Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Teaching6.2.1 Providing Authentic Teaching Materials6.2.2 Teaching Language in Context6.2.3 Integrating Style Knowledge in the Teaching Process6.2.4 Integrating Language Teaching with Culture6.2.5 Teaching Pragmatic Principles for Students6.2.6 Improving the Present Test6.3 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Major Findings7.2 Pedagogical Implicatures7.3 Limitations7.4 Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliographyAppendicesAppendix 1.Pragmatic Competence QuestionnaireAppendix 2.Tables of Pragmatic Competence StatisticsAcknowledgements
标签:语用失误论文; 顺应理论论文; 语用能力论文; 问卷调查论文; 高职学生论文;