AppendixABSTRACT中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 The rational of the present study1.3 Objectives of the present study1.4 Methodology and data collection1.5 Outline of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Researches on conversation repair2.2.1 SJS's contribution2.2.2 Further development by other linguists2.3 General review of the study of gender differences in language2.4 Approaches to gender differences in language2.4.1 The conversation analysis(CA) approach2.4.2 The sociolinguistic approach2.4.2.1 The dominance approach2.4.2.2 The cultural difference approach2.4.3 The pragmatic approach2.5 Weak points of previous studiesChapter Three Description of the Conceptual Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 Face-threatening Acts and politeness strategies3.3 Brown &Levinson's model and conversation repair3.4 Politeness strategy and gender differenceChapter Four Gender Differences Reflected on the Organization of Conversation Repair4.1 Introduction4.2 Self-initiated self-repair4.2.1 Placement of initiation for self-initiated self-repair4.2.1.1 Gender differences reflected on placement of initiation4.2.2 Initiating techniques for self-initiated self-repair4.2.2.1 Non-lexical perturbations4.2.2.2 Lexical items4.2.2.3 Gender differences reflected on initiating techniques4.2.3 Repair trajectories for self-initiated self-repair4.2.4 Analysis of gender differences reflected on self-initiated self-repair4.3 Other-initiated self-repair4.3.1 Placement of initiation for other-initiated self-repair4.3.2 Initiating techniques for other-initiated self-repair4.3.2.1 Question words and partial repeat4.3.2.2 Indirect other initiation techniques4.3.2.3 Gender differences reflected on initiating techniques4.3.3 Repair trajectories for other-initiated self-repair4.3.4 Analysis of gender differences4.4 Other-initiated other-repair4.4.1 Placement of initiation for other-initiated other-repair4.4.1.1 Cause of gender difference reflected on interruption4.4.2 Other-initiation and other-repair next to the trouble source4.4.3 Repair trajectory for other-initiated other-repair4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of the present study5.2 Major findings5.3 LimitationsBibliographyAcknowledgements个人简况及联系方式发表文章目录
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标签:会话修正论文; 性别差异论文; 引发位置论文; 引发策略论文;